Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Letters to the Editor

A tale of two levies

Editor, the Journal,

Many people ask why we need school levies when the state is supposed to fund K-12 education.

The state’s basic education funds can be compared to a mortgage and associated utility and living costs. Basic education keeps a roof over the school, provides lights and heat, while funding daily student needs like staffing, books, food and transportation.

Proposition 1 for ongoing levy funds is like improving your yard or adding a few bright coats of paint to your home. They will increase the enjoyment and value of your home but cost more money than your usual monthly expenses.

This levy does the same for the education of students at Hood Canal school. It continues existing taxes while funding ongoing programs like sports and outdoor education, music, art and drama. Teaching new skills and exploring untapped potential, the programs give Hood Canal students experiences on par with neighboring districts. The levy also pays for reduced class sizes, school nurses and counselors and essential classroom curriculum.

Eventually, every home needs updates due to safety concerns or wear and tear. Roof repairs, new appliances and flooring or a remodeled bathroom add to the pleasure and usefulness of your home but require money beyond your monthly budget or savings. Many times, a home improvement loan is needed.

Proposition 2 is asking voters to fund comparable upgrades for our students. Expanded preschool/kindergarten classrooms; new library; handicapped-accessible playgrounds; technology upgrades — all necessary for student safety, success and satisfaction.

The district listened to the taxpayers’ concerns over the additional costs for school construction. Instead of a 21-year bond costing hundreds of thousands in interest, the new capital levy collects funds for only six years and is below the state average for levy costs.

We want our homes to meet our needs for comfort and convenience. We invest in those improvements that make them a place we can live our best lives. Please vote “yes” on Prop 1 and 2 so Hood Canal students have a school and educational experience that helps them do the same.

Rosemary Kallal, Hoodsport

Levy support

Editor, the Journal,

Yes, we have another North Mason school levy election coming. And, as usually happens, there are those who make the argument that it just represents extra money used for frills.

Whoa, look at the list of some things North Mason School District Superintendent Dana Rosenbach told you are on that frill list. School nurses, school maintenance staff, special education staff and special education equipment or facilities, school safety and security equipment, and much more.

When she makes the argument that those costs aren’t defined by our state’s Legislature as “basic education” costs the state will pay for, she’s telling it like it is.

All I want to add is that my wife and I are unpaid volunteers that come to provide nonprofessional help at the elementary school level along with a host of other members of the community.

We have seen firsthand the huge responsibility taken on by our school district’s professionals to ensure our youths are getting the educational opportunity to be intelligent and culturally equipped to be proactive members of our society. Yes, the same opportunities we had in our school days, (long ago), which also depended on special levies.

It is an essential need. Let’s get it done.

Scotty & Martha Ray, Allyn


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