Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886
Amount could decrease if state increases funding
North Mason School District voters will see an education programs and operations replacement levy on the Feb. 11 ballot.
The four-year replacement levy will be a renewal of the levy approved by voters in 2022 that is set to expire at the end of 2025, Superintendent Dana Rosenbach told the Herald in an email.
"The proposed replacement levy is the renewal of our existing EP&O Levy that is about to expire. This levy, approved by the voters in 2022, fills the gaps between state funds and the actual cost of providing the services that help students grow and thrive, such as extracurricular activities. The costs associated with these programs fall outside the 'prototypical funding model,' as do many of the other districtwide support services that extend beyond the state Legislature's definition of basic education," Rosenbach said.
The district is holding an information session about the levy Jan. 14 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Hawkins Middle School, 300 East Campus Drive, in Belfair.
The estimated tax rate for NMSD would be $1.32 per $1,000 of assessed property value, according to the district's website.
The current levy has been funding extra-curricular activities, staffing costs not covered under current funding, including elementary specialists in music, physical education and art, secondary band, choir and drama, school nurses, custodians, counselors and substitutes, administrative costs not covered under current funding, technology, maintenance, curriculum, elective and advanced placement classes, special education, security, communications, school safety and unfunded transportation, the website states.
If the renewal passes, it "would allow the levy of property taxes within North Mason School District in the amount of $5,577,446 per year, for collection in 2026 through 2029," according to the proposition statement.
A board resolution also states that "in the event the state Legislature increases educational funding to the district, the district would, therefore, review annually and determine the need to roll back the levies."
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