Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Shelton enacts complete burn ban

On Monday, the City of Shelton enacted a complete burn ban in city limits, according to a news release.

“All burning, including recreational fires and charcoal, will be banned in the City of Shelton until further notice. Propane-fueled equipment and pellet grills will remain legal during this time,” the release says.

The National Fire Rating System changed to Very High Fire Danger, prompting the ban.

The rating system uses current and preceding weather conditions, fuel types, and live and dead fuel moisture to decide the dangers.

The Department of Natural Resources and the Mason County fire marshal already have restrictions in place until Sept. 30.

All outdoor burning, including campfires in firepits, charcoal briquettes and any other equipment that creates ash is prohibited on all lands in the county and on all forest lands under Department of Natural Resources, including state parks and state forests.

Olympic National Park and Olympic National Forest are allowing campfires in established fire rings in designated areas for now, according to officials.


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