Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886
This week's itinerary: Seattle, Long Beach, yard work
It was pretty hot, and Mary and Sam concentrated on getting the pump house done. They made a trip to Long Beach and spent the night and attended a meeting. They took the dogs. Mary's mother has an incredible garden. Was a nice week.
Monday, July 17, 1950
Today I went up to Ruth Small's a little after 9 a.m. and made a lot of phone calls. Ordered the fern for McCallum. Then I drove to town and delivered the fern but only the housekeeper was at home. To town and did some shopping. It was terribly warm, and I was glad to be thru early. To Alma Nelson's and had a bowl of soup and a nice visit. I dropped her up town and went to Alda Moore's funeral. There were quite a few from Belfair there. Then to Maimee Gould's and had some watermelon. Very good. Home and went swimming. The water was perfect, and Queenie went swimming too. Then I cleaned the clams and put a 1½ pint can in the locker. We ate clams until I thought we would burst. Oh, they were good! Sam ordered more berries from Harris Watson's boys for Saturday. I ironed with my wet suit on, so it was not at all bad. Now everything is put away for this week. Sam has the picnic table all painted and oh, it is a beauty. To bed fairly late. Tired.
Tuesday, July 18, 1950
Up early and found Sam had already gone to Seattle. He said last night he was coming home early but at 2 tonight he still has not shown up. To Gorst after a good swim and had my hair done. Then I got Eunice Duffield, and we went to Esther Piper's to Social Club Picnic out on South Marine Drive. There was a good crowd there and we had a lovely time. Maimee Gould, Eunice DeLong and Maimee Hanberg were there from our officers' group. The Pipers have a nice place, and it is such a lovely spot for a picnic. Maimee Gould Duffield and I cleaned out our old locker and put all the old things up in the new locker Bob Marvin made. It took about an hour to check and move it all. Then home and watered good. The Billy Hydes came down and picked all the raspberries. Ran out of water and went to bed early. Very windy and cold out. Trying to rain too.
Wednesday, July 19, 1950
To Seattle on the 9:30 a.m. ferry. Met Mrs. Wychoff, her son's wife, also John Stuyts who paid for my breakfast. To Dr. Lee who said you are OK, but get your eyes checked for headaches. So, to the oculist who examined eyes and so for $24.74 I will have new "driving" glasses. Will have to order another pair for reading. Then I went to the Bon where I ordered powder, cream and hose for fall wear. Ate lunch late. Got the car washed. It looks good. Just like new. Then out to Mother's. No cousin has arrived so guess I'll not see her as I can't come back Friday. Barbara and Kenny came in and sat while we ate. Took Polly home to see their place. Mama has wonderful flowers. Never saw so many in such a small space. Home on 8 o'clock ferry so now at 10:30 am ready for bed. Sam has lawn mowed and everything watered good. To bed to get a good night's sleep.
Thursday, July 20, 1950
To Gorst and had my hair combed out at 9:30. Then home and was all ready to go when Nelsons came about 10:30. We drove to Long Beach where we got a cabin easily. Ate our lunch along the way and it was lovely too. The dogs had a wonderful time playing. We ate just beyond Montesano. Then about 7 we drove over to Ilwaco. We had been down to Meglar and shown the folks where we camp when we salmon fish. Sam asked a woman in Ilwaco if there was an Eastern Star Meeting here tonight. "Why the grand worthy matron is here tonight!" Sam got quite a kick out of it. We enjoyed the meeting. There was a good crowd and quite a few grand officers. Dolores seemed so glad to see us. She sang once during the evening, and we enjoyed it. Meeting started at 8:45 on account of the dinner. They had enormous baskets of flowers in the east and west full of callas, delphinium, perennial sweet peas and glads. On the chair backs were coat hangers, wire frames, stuck full of greens and flowers of the star points. Very lovely. They called on everyone. So long!
Friday, July 21, 1950
We cooked breakfast in our cabin. It was fun! Then to Cathlamet. It was a lovely drive and such a fine sunny day. Made several stops to see the sights along the way. We found out the meeting took place at City Hall where all the Lodges met. The Aireys and Violet Sather were there again, and we had a nice visit. We had to rent a hotel room to change our clothes in, so we decided to stay all night. The meeting was short. The worthy matron whizzed through things. We talked to many of the folks and had a nice time. Very warm inside. The decorations wilted. Dolores sang 2 songs very lovely. Home early and to bed. Mrs. Airey was very nice to us. But she does want the Grand North so bad she can taste it. How can she want all that?
Saturday, July 22, 1950
We arose at 9 and ate across the street. Most of the grand officers were there eating too so we exchanged greetings. Started for home about 11 and had a very nice trip. We arrived a few seconds after 3 and I made lunch. Then we sat and talked until 6. Sam started the water and went up to Belfair. So, I'm changing the water as he never came back. He always has a good excuse why he was away, yet so much falls on me when he goes away. I can't do all of it. Very warm out, and I should pick the raspberries. They are full again. Pasted in my scrapbook and put my clothes away. Now I can get to bed early. The roses are blooming so hard. Never saw so lovely a garden for some time. The phlox are coming out too.
Sunday, July 23, 1950
Today was very warm so after I had all my work done, I tried out my new bathing suit. It feels good on, and I hope looks as well. Queenie went swimming too. I went in 4 times and dried off each time in the sun so I should be a couple shades darker. Tom K. was down and put in the cement floor in the pump house. We decided not to go to Canada next week but get our pump connected as we need the water so badly. A great deal of traffic on the highway, a steady hum. Alice Pope called up and asked about the visit to Ilwaco and Cathlamet. We had a nice chat. Staked the golden glow and if I get time will work on the phlox. Then all staking of the plants will be done for 1950. The couple (Bledsoe) who camp at the Columbia River each year were here a few seconds. Sam watered garden good. We went to bed early. A very warm day.
■ Clydene Hostetler was a longtime Belfair resident and historian. She now resides on a classic wooden boat on the Columbia River. She has been researching Mary Theler's life for the past 17 years. She can be emailed at [email protected].
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