Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Letters to the Editor

Advice for Shelton graduates

Editor, the Journal,

Subject: Advice for SSD graduating seniors

Managing your money and planning for the future are such a big part of being an adult. In life you will find that not all people or organizations are good at managing their money. Don't follow the example the Shelton School District has set for you regarding money management. Do set aside a reasonable reserve for those rainy days that will surely come.

You see, SSD has been borrowing from the Mason County treasurer for more than two years unlike the other Mason County school districts. The term used for the SSD loans is "registered warrants" but for us it would be called "payday loans." Once you get into consistently needing a payday loan, it's hard to break out of the spiral.

But if you do find yourself in a situation where you need to borrow, don't blame someone else as the school district has done in blaming the treasurer for its predicament. Own up to your situation and begin to find ways to live within your means.

I wish each of you great success in life.

Brenda Hirschi, Shelton


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