Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Good News!

Kids' Message

“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.” — Psalm 37:4

When you are asked what you want for your birthday or Christmas, do you have a long list of stuff you want? Or maybe just a few things?

Depending on your hobbies and interests, you will usually ask for things you desire. But what about the people who say, “I don’t know what I want. Surprise me!”

Many people ask me: how do I know I’m doing what I think God wants me to do?

Over the years my answer was simple: “I would not have chosen this life for myself. I would be a famous singer, actress, or writer. I would have all the money I need. I would be able to travel for fun, not necessity.”

But sometimes the desires of our hearts conflict with the plans God has for us. I used to tell God, “Okay, I’M going to do this or that for you...” Silly me! Never happened! Why?

Because MY way was not HIS way...I finally started saying, “I want to do what YOU want me to do, Lord!.”

He knows what our talents and gifts are. He knows what our desires are. He knows what could hurt us, and what would make us stronger and closer to Him. So I trust that.

He puts the desires in our hearts, and then directs our paths, like a lamp in the dark.

When I moved back to California with my Dad and daughter in 2004, I had no job and no plan when we got there. We took what would fit in my station wagon and my dad’s 19’ trailer he had hitched to his truck. We did not even know where we were going to live. I was recovering from a stroke and my dad had just had a pacemaker put in to help his heart. He said he was going back to Calif., that he would not die up here, and I told him Tosha and I would go with him - we needed each other. I told Jesus, “You know everything, Lord, so surprise me! What do YOU want me to do now?”

I have always had faith and hope. If you are praying, nothing is by chance and nothing is coincidence. I honestly believe that. I heard a saying that coincidences are just God’s little miracles. My life is FULL of miracles!!

You just have to have faith, and then you will have spiritual eyes, knowing and believing God is holding your hand. I healed from my stroke and was back in radio the month after we got to California. My dad died a year-and-a-half after that, but I got to be with him, and take care of him.

When I moved back to Washington, ten years later, in January 2015, same thing. I came back with my daughter to help take care of my godkids’ grandparents, who raised them, and were like parents to me. They said they would sign their house over to me, because none of the kids or grandkids wanted it. I did not know what the plan was after that.

I didn’t get the house, but what I did get was so much more!!

Sometimes, right before the blessing, we have a little hardship to endure. I did. But, if we are patient, we will look back someday and be happy God did it the way He did it - for our own good. How do I know? Because all I have to do is look at my life and see for myself!

I LOVE the desires God has put in my heart!

Try it! It’s really amazing the way God’s desires become our desires, and I don’t want the life I wanted for myself anymore!

Whenever you are doing something, no matter what it is, ask Jesus how HE wants you to do it.

Get ready to be surprised!


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