Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Mary's Memoirs

Chapter installations, visitors keep Mary moving

It snowed this week in 1950! This week is a continuation of the same old, same old.

Sunday, March 19, 1950

Today there was such a cold wind we could not be out all day. I ironed clothes and put them all away. Then up to the Masonic Temple where I watched the girls go through their addenda for Alice Pope. It is so clever. I'm sure it will be well received. Home and ate venison steak for dinner. Very good. Took a box of weaving to Eunice Duffield's and she will exhibit it at social club Tuesday. Then to Alma Nelson's and had a nice visit. Picked up Mama and Irwins and home at 10 p.m. No wind now and it is very cold. The stars are out. We had tea and cokes down at the temple. Lots of fun. And for a wonder it was warm in the temple. To bed fairly early, tired. Got quite a lot done today.

Monday, March 20, 1950

Today was very cold and at about 3 it started to rain so we couldn't do a thing outside. Mama made the cake and then we frosted it. Looks good. I made salad and ground up chicken for sandwiches. In the afternoon, cleaned up a lot of things on my desk. Getting dark already and it is only 3:45. We had steak and baked potatoes in the evening. Also, a wonderful trout that Alma Nelson gave me. In the evening, I addressed all the Easter cards and had my desk all cleaned up. To bed early as tomorrow is a big day. Very wet out and now the wind is starting to blow.

Tuesday, March 21, 1950

Arose early. Sam left for South Bend at 9 and Mama and I went to Holly at 10. The roads were not at all bad. We took potato salad, chicken sandwiches and a cake. Everyone took something. I never saw so many cakes, etc. The whipped cream cake was oh so delicious. Grandma received so many lovely gifts, 2 bouquets of red roses, 2 of daffodils. One of stock and yellow foliage. She seemed to enjoy it all. I read her cards. Took her 3 yards of oil cloth which she liked. All her children there save Dora. To Bremerton and took installation program to printers. Then Mayme Hanberg to check charter member list but Lovey has it. Ate soup at Charleston. To Alma Nelson's and got ready for the White Shrine officers meeting. There were 15 at the meeting. Alma certainly covered all the territory possible, and we are familiar now with plans for this spring. There were refreshments. Home very late and I was tired!

Wednesday, March 22, 1950

Arose late and ate. Sam had come home real late so slept till noon. Then he arose with a headache. Jimmy Garioch called and asked us to a canasta party Saturday but owing to Shelton's installation I can't go. Alma Nelson called and said she was going to price W.H.P. jewels, etc. Cleaned the house and got my calendar up to date. In the evening, I went to Belfair O.E.S. Social Club. There was a good crowd out and oh such lovely table decorations and homemade cakes! I moved we retire $400.00 worth of bonds for Masons and Helen Mitchell seconded it so fast. Lavine's face surely had an odd expression on it. They want Alice Pope and I to buy more plates and knives for the temple. Home early and to bed.

Thursday, March 23, 1950

Today I slept late and as soon as our breakfast was over, we went to Bremerton. Got my pictures and they are OK. Also stopped at printers to see copy of installation program. Bought a gift for Georgia Becker and then to Gorst to get my hair done. Sam went back to town and did some errands. It snowed very hard at 11 a.m. and there was considerable snow at the airport. Lots on old highway too. We ate a light lunch at 4:30. At 6, Sam went to the Shrine dinner in honor of Fred Krause. I went to Chapter early and found Maimie Hanberg already there. There were 150 members and visitors present and it was a lovely evening. The initiation went off beautifully. Bob Marvin presided during the initiation and Bob's son and daughter-in-law went in. Maimee's cousin went in by affiliation. So, it was a very special class. 11 charter members and about 12 new members were introduced in a lovely ceremony. Two baby dedications were given right after chapter opened. The room was decorated with daffodils, salal and forsythias. Downstairs silver services were used by Star Points and homemade cakes from Rainbow Girl's mothers were served. Tables in the form of stars. A big night. Told the girls about addendum for Lovey.

Friday, March 24, 1950

Sam was so sleepy decided not to go to Seattle. Then about 11 he says, "Well I can't sleep anyway. Let's go." Caught the 12:45 boat and got uptown at 2. I bought silver pumps and black slippers, stuff for an addendum, net for lace dress and a gift for Lovey and a new hat. Met Sam at 5:30 and we drove past our place on Beacon Hill. It surely needs painting. To Tacoma and ate dinner at the Elks Club. A very lovely dinner but the meat was cold. Home and to bed. Very tired. Bought 5-star vases so now I'm all ready for installation. Really glad and so near finished with all of it. A cold day but not much rain.

Saturday, March 25, 1950

Today I slept late and as soon as my beds were made ran to Bremerton. Checked charter members with Maimee Hanberg and took cards to the printers. He will have our programs out on April 10 or before. Called on Maimee Gould and showed her idea on Mother's Day. Had my hair combed out and home. Then I cleaned house and finally got all done. Laid my clothes out for tonight. Sam made oyster stew. Very good. A beautiful day out and I simply hated not to get out more. Sundstroms came down about 6 and about 6:20 Popes with Ruth Small came so we got to Shelton before the place was opened as usual. There was Helen Anderson with a crowd from Union and Edith Michael with a crowd from Reliance. Alma and Al Bard were the only matrons and patrons present. It was a lovely installation, and 3 clever addends were given. One by the past matrons in their robes. The chapter room was decorated with daffodils and white plum blossoms. Very dainty. The worthy matron wore pale blue lace, associate matron yellow. We had a nice time talking to old friends. Open-faced sandwiches, cookies and ice cream in cups was served. Home about 11:15.

Sunday, March 26, 1950

Today it poured down most of the time, so I was able to work in the attic. Tied up most of the installation gifts. Glad it's done. Alice Pope and Rachel Freelin came down to look at the fans in my scrapbook. They left at 3:15. Then I hurried over to get dinner. At 4:10 Alma Nelson, Al and little Jimmy, Sam and I sat down for dinner. We had fried oysters, salad, green peas, mashed potatoes and cake with whipped cream and berries. Afterwards we rode clear down to Ball Point and back to get some clam shells for Alma's mother's garden. But believe it or not we could not find a one. Home and in the middle of our finance report, when in comes Cole, Vera and Diana. So, we finished our report and Nelsons went home. Cole and Vera left at 9:20. I made coffee and we had more cake and ice cream. Very windy out. To bed early for me. A large day.

Clydene Hostetler was a longtime Belfair resident and historian. She now resides on a classic wooden boat on the Columbia River. She has been researching Mary Theler's life for the past 17 years. She can be emailed at [email protected]


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