Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Letters to the Editor

Editor's note: In a recent letter to the editor, Mr. Graham questioned a letter writer's use of TinyURL links. TinyURL is a link-shortening website that allows for more user-friendly entry into an internet browser than typing out a full web address - some of which can be hundreds of characters long. The shortened links in question came from the Journal staff during the editing process. This note was intended to be included in last week's edition to clarify the process but was inadvertently left out. The Journal apologizes for the confusion.

Let's give it a rest

Editor, the Journal,

This little running kerfuffle between me and Donna Holliday is tiresome. Let's give it a rest. However, Ms. Holliday referred to me twice in last week's (Feb. 15) paper, and I must respond.

I have no animus towards Ms. Holliday. Heck, I don't even know what she looks like. Those who do may have matched face with photo on her driver's license, like bank tellers or an occasional retail clerk.

In the Oct. 26 Journal, Ms. Holliday wrote a letter titled, "Taking back change," which was as bewildering as the letter. The writer's main fault was not giving a whit for what English teachers call her "audience." Readers were left scratching their heads in anger and confusion asking essentially, "Huh?"

I quickly had a letter published which the Journal regrettably titled, "Reader's critique," with the word "critique" setting some people's hair on fire. Donna's fan club, which she disclaims, was a victim of the blaze. Some of them ignorantly thought a critique was a form of criticism. Well, no. It's merely the nature of something. It can be positive or negative. Mine was negative.

After soaking their heads, members of the fan club (including Donna) sent letters to the Nov. 6 Journal, their main purpose being to give me hell for demeaning Mrs. Holliday's "character" of all things. (Heavens, I only commented on her letter.)

Thus ends a sometimes bumpy road through the Journal's letters section. To Donna Holliday: I was an English major, so yes, I have indeed read a few books and magazines. If I could place you in a classroom with a chalkboard, I'd be pleased to help you both lasso that runaway letter and hopefully write with more clarity and coherence in future ones.

R.E. Graham, Union

'You gotta pay your bills'

Editor, the Journal,

I am frightened to the core of my soul. Recently, Donald Trump has encouraged dictator Putin to invade a NATO country. I hope PBS is a neutral source for this paper's many readers. At a rally in Conway, South Carolina, PBS reported that Trump recalled how as president he told an unidentified NATO member that he would withhold U.S. help and "encourage" Russia to do as it wishes with allies that do not contribute enough to military spending.

Trump goes on to say "You didn't pay? You're delinquent? No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills."

This threat should scare everyone, no matter what political party you belong to.

"You gotta pay your bills..." - that's funny coming from someone who does not pay his own bills!

Karen Bouton, Lilliwaup

Still believing

Editor, the Journal,

It was of sad but serious note that Donald Trump's usual sycophants still believe a man convicted of sexual assault, guilty of massive financial fraud, who plotted a coup and incited a riot to overthrow the Constitution, stole and concealed secret documents, and a proven habitual liar is fit to be president.

Mr. Anvik still likes him because he closed the border. And he's appealing to Mr. Graham because he is charged with 91 felonies? The ex-educator needs to go back to school and take a civics class. The belief in the falsehood that Trump wasn't impeached, the election was stolen, the DOJ is corrupt, and the judges are all biased, is emblematic of the ignorance and blind adoration of many Trump supporters simmered in the MAGA media stew that ignores truth, purveys fiction over fact, and knowingly propagates lies.

He was impeached twice and acquitted twice by some spineless Republican senators fearful of political and even physical retribution. He is criminally indicted four times with trial and verdicts pending the appeal/delay/deny justice ploy as his defense. And hopefully with the eventual exercise of the fundamental judicial code of our democracy that "No one is above the law," he will be found guilty and imprisoned.

J. Anderson, Shelton

The tag team

Editor, the Journal,

The attack tag team was at it last week in the Feb. 15 Journal letters.

To recap, in reply to my inquiry: "What does Ardean admire in his chosen presidential candidate?" Ardean replied, in his letter titled "Dems can't brag":

"Letters from Pfender ... and others are written to drag us into their cesspool of politics."

"Trump haters and other Democrats evidently prefer ignorance to knowledge."

"I'll let Democrats use personal insults in lieu of debate."

Ardean admires nothing about Trump; but he really dislikes Democrats.

Bob Graham-Cracker-Graham: please just put down the pen Bob.

Your letter, Democratic scribblers, contains nothing to reply to. Six paragraphs of nothing new. An uninformative letter that does nothing to help me understand your attraction to the twice-impeached, four-times indicted, sex offender (rapist), who is facing 91 felony charges across four courts in three states.

He also now has some large civil judgments to pay off.

Is it his grifting that attracts you two to DJT?

Do you boys wish you could get away with the conduct Trump has gotten away?

Are you envious of his failed businesses? You know, like:

Trump Socks; Trump Perfume; Trump Home Products; Trump's Clothing Line; Trump's Beverages; Trump's Game (Trump the Game); Trump's board games (different from Trump the Game); Trump Tower Tampa; Trump's New Media; Trump's search engine, to rival Google,; Trump Ice (bottled water); Trump Mortgage; Trump University; Trump Magazine; Trump Steaks; Trump's Taj Mahal Casino; Trump Vodka; Trump Airlines.

These are a few of the failed Trump projects.

Then there are the six corporate bankruptcies.

Boys, boys, boys, Bob, Ardean, you behave like scared old white men who do not understand the present and are uncomfortable with the idea of "by the people" when so many of the "people" don't look like you.

Ardean, Bob, there is no place for you in the present. It is going to become more and more uncomfortable for you as more and more citizens are recognized as your equals, as in all men are created equal.

I know you fear all the new things, the words, civil and human rights, privileges that apply to everyone, and those minority and women judges and prosecutors are making you crazy.

You need therapy, boys, or church, or therapy and church.

Katherine Price, Shelton

Please cover Fire 12

Editor, the Journal,

The taxpayers of Matlock and MCFD 12 have had no coverage of our ongoing fraud saga since Matt Baide left the Journal. He always did a professional quality and thorough job of reporting the story. I am requesting that the Journal staff do what is necessary to have him continue the story he started and worked on for years. Please bring Matt back on board for this developing story.

Mike Brown , Matlock

Bring back Matt

Editor, the Journal,

I would like to request coverage by Matt Baide to continue his style of up-to-date investigation of MCFD 12  He never stopped at just submitting an article in the paper. He was continually interviewing and investigating all aspects of the current fraud investigation.

I would appreciate the Journal requesting him to continue with his high expertise as a reporter.

Shirley Brown, Matlock

The story continues

Editor, the Journal,

I just want to let you know that the Matlock fire district fiasco is not over, even though your coverage seems to be. There are a multitude of things to write about regarding this egregious case of family dynasty politics and grift in our tiny community. Where is Matt Baide? He was doing a wonderful job of covering this public-worthy story and it is not over just because he left. Our community needs his coverage!

Trina Young, Elma


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