Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886


Hunting and visiting continue for Mary and Sam

Mary and Sam have been down south for the better part of the week still hunting ducks and geese. Sam did pretty good. They came home to snow.

Sunday, Jan. 1, 1950

Sam got up early and went hunting. He came in about 9 with 2 geese and 5 ducks. Was he proud! Said it was very foggy out and the birds flew very low. Queenie really had a good work out. We ate breakfast at the other hotel, but it surely is poor. Then to the field where Sam shot a snow goose. Queenie got so excited. It was very cold out, so we came in about 1 and ate lunch up in our room. Back to the field and sat there until closing time. Sam did not get any more geese. Still very foggy and cold so we glad to come in. Plenty of birds flying but most of them were too high. We ate dinner at a Chinese Café down the street. Not much to look at, but good food. Not many people there. To bed early and got a good night's rest. We needed it. A very good day for hunting. Everyone was happy. No meals served at the hotel today, so everyone had to eat out.

Monday, Jan. 2, 1950

Sam went out early today but did not get a shot. The birds were all too high. At 9 he came in and we ate at another café. It was better than the Palace Café. Out to the field where we saw hundreds of geese and ducks go by but all too high. The only ones who were shooting were the men in the blinds by the ponds. We sat there in the sun and enjoyed the warmth. Back to the hotel at noon and got our lunch bag and goose that we shall out on some road. Sam called Emmett and told him to fox the pole shelter over our camellias. Emmett said Tacoma had 10 inches of snow. Olalla had 6 inches and at home just a ground cover. Sun was out. We drove way out into the hills and ate lunch, picked our geese and gave it to the cook to bake Tuesday. To the field where Sam got 2 shots. All too high. Sun was warm all day. So lovely. We ate downstairs tonight. Went to see "The Fighting Kentuckian" with John Wayne. Lots of action. A seal comedy was very clever. Took Queenie for a ride, then home.

Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1950

Slept late, then ate pancakes down at the new café down the Avenue. Very good. Sam got a sack to ship his ducks in and took Mrs. Haines out to the O'Brien Ranch. I walked around downtown. Bought a box of powder and 3 cards. Saw no good material. Listened to a few marches. Met the Haimes then back to the hotel. Very cold out so I changed into my hunting clothes. Walked around downtown and then home. Sam and the old man went out to the O'Brien Ranch and took a few duck pictures. We ate the roast goose for dinner, and it was delicious. We took what was left upstairs and put it in the window to cool. Will eat it for lunch tomorrow. We sat out in the lobby, and I wrote Blanche a letter. Told her all about our trip. Very cold out and I'm trying to get a cold so Sam will get me a couple of Bromo Quinine Tablets. Sam has gone out to give Queenie her evening run and see some folks he met at Tulelake last time he hunted. Saw a notice of meeting of O.E.S. Wednesday so I'm planning to go.

Wednesday, Jan. 4, 1950

Today I slept late. Then after breakfast got my hair done at Millers Beauty Shop. Looks very good. As soon as I got done, I went to the Hotel and Sam was there. He got one goose. So, we went out to the field and just before closing time he got one duck. It was so. We ate the rest of our goose in the sun and enjoyed it. Ate dinner at the hotel at 6:15 so now am ready for Chapter. Rec'd a nice letter from Alma Nelson. Walked to the Temple at 7:20 dark. So, I returned at 7:40 and was examined and attended Marshall Chapter. Virginia Brenneman is Worthy Matron. The shortest meeting, I ever attended. Started at 8:10. Done at 8:50. They served Tamala Pie. Very good. Had a lot of fun. Saw their Installation pictures.

Thursday, Jan. 5, 1950

Today we arose fairly early. Said goodbye to the hostess and ate breakfast down at the corner café. At 9:30 a.m. we left Willows and arrived at Bend, Oregon, at 6:20. The weather was clear and cold all day and the sun very bright. We enjoyed our ride when we got into the snow area in Northern California where the big pines grow full of cones. Ah, it was lovely. We stopped at Cady's Sr. to pick up Bill's gun and we visited about 30 minutes. At Klamath Falls we stopped and bought another pair of khaki pants. Now I have two pair. We had a sandwich along the way and drove about one hour in total darkness. The roads were good and little traffic, so it was clear sailing. At Bend we got a nice Motel off the highway. Cleaned up and went to eat. I saved some meat for Queenie and oh! was she excited! Sam saw the new Chrysler car and home to our Motel. Read and to bed fairly early. Extremely cold and windy out. Snow forecast. Snow all along the roads, but mostly dry. Good driving.

Friday, Jan. 6, 1950

The wind blew like a hurricane all night, but we slept well. Left at 8 and ate a nice breakfast at Redmond. I cut some more juniper for vases. We had a flat tire just past Government Camp so came home without a spare. Arrived in Belfair at 5 and got our mail and was I glad to get it all opened. Cooked the steaks for dinner and I think Swan enjoyed them as much as we did. Quite a lot of snow here. All fell this morning. It was a nice trip home from Bend. There was snow on the Pass. We put Queenie out and oh! How she reveled in it. Unpacked our suitcase and went to bed. Raining outside. Queenie wants to get in. Received several letters.

Saturday, Jan. 7, 1950

Well today was very wet and although it also rained last night not too much snow has gone. It is frozen underneath. We picked all the ducks and geese and put then in the locker. Gave Skene's a snow goose and were they thrilled! We had a nice visit there. Gave Swan a Mallard Duck, Emmett a goose, Nichols a goose and a duck. I put away all my stuff and have my Christmas gifts all put away. Put the Mountain Juniper in vases and it looks nice. Pasted in my scrapbook and it is up to date. Dogs are visiting our Queenie, so we have her shut up in the garage. Cleaned the cabin good so it looks nice. Have a bowl of holly on the table with red candles and it is lovely. Sam looked at all the Christmas cards save the ones from Eastern Star which I pasted in my scrapbook. Called Maimee Gould, Lovey Lous. No practice so we will do what we can Monday eve.

Clydene Hostetler was a longtime Belfair resident and historian. She now resides on a classic wooden boat on the Columbia River. She has been researching Mary Theler's life for the past 17 years. She can be emailed at [email protected].


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