Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886


Concerned about expansion

Editor, The Journal,

I am writing to voice my concern about expanding the capacity of the Community Lifeline homeless shelter. Like those who testified at the hearing last Monday, I consider myself a compassionate and caring person who is deeply troubled by the invasion of the ever-growing drug culture throughout our community.

It is tragic and I am heartbroken for the families and individuals whose lives have been destroyed by these drugs. I am deeply grateful for those organizations and people who reach out a helping hand to those less fortunate and in need.

But I am not sure if expanding the shelter is the correct response. It certainly is not the solution. Maybe it is part of the solution, I don't know. Turning drug addicts back on the streets during the day to get a fix, find a way to pay for their fix, then sleep off their fix until they can do it all over again does not sound compassionate to me. It sounds like we are enabling those who would prey on those less fortunate and get them addicted to their drugs in the first place.

If the homeless person has mental issues, then they need to be cared for in a facility where they can get round-the-clock care - not put back on the street during the day to fend for themselves. Those who commit crimes should be put in jail where maybe they can get help with their addictions but at least they are not stealing and harming those who seek to live and work in a safe, viable community.

Those who are truly looking for a job and a way out of emergency shelter should take advantage of the resources offered at the shelter and find long-term housing. It is unfortunate that the shelter needs more beds not less. Whatever we are doing does not appear to be working to stem the expanding tide of homelessness. Building a larger capacity jail and more recovery centers seem like a better solution.

Jayni Kamin, Shelton

Trees and heathens

Editor, The Journal,

A letter-writer asks, "Who else finds it interesting that all these years Shelton called itself the Christmas Tree Town when the Bible explicitly warns against that 'heathen' practice?"

Jeremiah 10:2-4 is quoted, but one needs to read the entire chapter for context. Matthew Henry's commentary on Jeremiah 10:1-16 on idolatry is found in many Bible apps. I recommend you study it for yourselves, but summarized it says this:

"Consider what the idol is that is worshipped. It was a tree cut out of the forest, squared and sawed by the hands of a workman, decked with silver and gold, guilded or lacquered. Fastened with nails and hammers that it will not fall. It looks stately but it cannot speak and it must be carried. Idols of gold and silver are unworthy to be worshipped as wooden gods. They are worshipped as the gods that give us breath and life and sense, whereas they are lifeless senseless things themselves, and there is no breath in them. Learn not the way of the heathen, do not approve of it, no, nor think indifferently concerning it, much less imitate it or accustom yourselves to it. Let not any of their customs steal in among you nor mingle themselves with your religion."

Jeremiah was warning the people about worshipping idols as false gods so unless we are bowing down, praying to and worshipping the trees as idols this passage should not be applied to Christmas trees used as decoration.

This topic comes up every year in Christian forums. Some limit the trappings of the holidays and some do not. Whatever choice is made, it is a matter of conscience and motive. We must do what pleases the Lord. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says about Christian liberty, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." Merry Christmas to all and glory to God for sending His son, Jesus Christ.

Kim Olsen, Union

Kudos, yacht club

Editor, The Journal,

Once again, a shout-out goes to the boaters from Shelton Yacht Club for their generosity and tenacity in providing the annual Boat Parade on Hammersley Inlet. While the fog tried mightily to dampen the night, the joyz of the season prevailed. Many thanks to you hardy souls.

Marilyn and Doug Sayan and our neighbors on Agate Beach

Guns and birth control

Editor, The Journal,

Two weeks ago, I saw AA's and REG's letters about the Second Amendment, and abortion, but I didn't respond as fast as JA, BD and DH. But I'd like to add some more bounce back. So how is eliminating machine guns (AR-15s) and asking for background checks impeding gun ownership? A couple of my close friends hunt and own guns, but they are both aware that machine guns are weapons of war. Please note: The U.S. is on pace to set a record this year for the number of mass shootings.

Also, if physicians, dentists, attorneys and accountants have to have background checks and licenses, it's only fair that gun owners should, too.

Moving on to RTL issues, why do pro-life supporters appear so universally opposed to birth control? Universally available birth control would likely eliminate 90% of abortions. The earth is being smothered by 8 billion people. Humans have clear-cut half the forests and jungles on planet earth just to feed and house humans. Looking at the exponential growth curve, humans have gone from 2 billion people to 8 billion people in 100 years. Aquafers (well water) are starting to run dry all over the U.S. and the rest of the world. The climate is changing to both ends of extreme - droughts, floods, as well as temperature extremes.

If humans don't soon get control of their own population growth, the devastation and severe suffering to living humans will make RTL issues look like a zit on an elephant's butt.

Last, AA & REG how might your views change if you got pregnant and were forced to carry a dead or severely deformed child to term? Please stop your "macho misogyny." Women deserve to not be treated as baby slaves.

Dr. Bill Busacca, Shelton


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