Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886


Mary and Sam busy attending Christmas parties

Sam and Mary are busy attending Christmas parties and having people over for dinner. It is getting colder and even starting to snow. I love Christmas time!

Sunday, Dec. 11, 1949

We arose late and we thought of going to Seattle when Henry called up. So out he came, and we talked about an hour. He is so enthused over his Canadian job. Can only get home once a week so think he eventually will move up. To Seattle by way of Tacoma and it was a nice ride. We called on George McCorkhill at the Providence Hospital and he is getting along OK. Then we went to Acres of Clams and ate fried Alaskan shrimp for dinner. Out to Mama’s and she was surprised to see us. Told me all about John’s operation. We stayed until 7:20 when we left to catch the 8 o’clock ferry as it was starting to snow, and we never know just how much more we will have out on the canal. So, home. Plenty of snow at the airport. To bed fairly early and glad of it as I was so weary still from Friday’s party.

Monday, Dec. 12, 1949

Today it rained just a little all day, so the snow is about gone. Sam washed clothes and is on the verge of cleaning the garage. I fixed and mailed out parcels to Kents, Cleora and Blanch Hackett. Also set table for dinner on Wednesday. It looks very nice. Arranged all the flowers and red chrysanthemums look very lovely. Took quite a long time. Cleaned house good so all it will need Wednesday is a brush over. Rec’d rose bush from Mama today. Well, the house looks lovely, and I can rest and have some tea. Sam went to Rice’s and got his seats put in the car. Picked up Eunice and Jessie Duffield and Betty Musci’s for Lovey’s party. We had a lovely ham dinner and plum pudding for dessert with a candle on top for Herman’s birthday. In the present exchange I received a lovely star shaped vase. No name. Very cute. We sat and talked until about 9:30 then home. Our favors were tiny figurines. A lovely evening. Still raining out and some snow up by the airport. To bed early.

Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1949

Arose early and made breakfast. Drizzling rain out. Left for Bremerton about 11:30 and met Eunice, Mamie Gould and Maimie Hanberg at the required spot. We arrived at Poulsbo in plenty of time. There were 33 in all present. A wonderful lunch was served and in the gift exchange I received a handkerchief and 2 sachet bags. The favors were cute Santas made by the conductress. We sang Christmas carols and went home a little after 3. Everyone seemed to have a good time. Ruthe Thoreson was there, and she spoke briefly. Alice Pope made a grand corsage for her out of the chrysanthemums, and she did not wear it, but saved it for an official visit of Frances Kerr tonight. Home and had venison steak for dinner with fresh mushrooms. Very good. Queenie wants to come in. Had a letter from Blanche. She is so lonely. Cleaned up desk and scrapbook.

Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1949

Today was a lovely mild day. Squires came down about 10 and planted the rose Mama gave me, the chrysanthemums and moved the big bleeding heart. Then he and Sam cleaned the roof on the house so that was a good job completed. Took me until 2 to get all my work done. Washed the front windows on the house as Sam had the 3 hoses out. Now the pheasant is in the oven and most everything ready for dinner at 5 p.m. Alma and Al came about 5 and we had a lovely dinner. Everything was fine, and the Saskatoon berry pie was delicious with whipped cream. We spent a pleasant evening just talking about this and that. Afterwards I cleaned up the pots and pans. To bed at midnight. Alma’s asthma was bothering her. She certainly has a lot of trouble with it. But oh, is she a grand person!

Thursday, Dec. 15, 1949

Today I overslept so we decided not to go to Seattle today. So, I went to Holly to see Grandma and Aunt Katie. Polly was there too, so we had a nice visit. Then Polly made a custard apple pie which I sampled while it was hot. It was delicious. Grandma seems well but Katie says she is failing slowly. Home at 5:15 and started the fire in the stove. Made oyster stew for dinner and it was good. Sam cleaned up all the leaves, cleaned the outside kitchen, and the garage. It looks very good here. After dinner Billy and Evelyn Hyde came down and we had a nice visit. They brought “I Just Go Nuts at Christmas” record down for us to hear. Then I ironed a few things and put my clothes away. It’s going to be cold tonight. Have the table all set for Sunday, looks good.

Friday, Dec. 16, 1949

Arose early and dressed. Ate ham and hot cakes at Pearl’s diner at Purdy. Very good! Then to Tacoma where we got the blankets, my purple necklace and scrapbook. A few cards too. Drove to Seattle and I looked for a white dress, no soap. But I found a lovely blue one at Best’s and the girl who waited on me was Herb Travis’ cousin. So, now I shall have 3 good dresses for next year and my plaid skirt and blouse. Home by way of Tacoma and ate at the Elk’s Club. We had a lovely dinner. Prime ribs of beef, oh, such a serving and for dessert, strawberry short cake. Saw Rudy, Alma and a Belfair couple there. I can’t think of their names as I hardly know them. The men had to serve at a Christmas party for children. Home and cleaned up my desk. Put all my stuff away. Sam went up to Lodge. Raining very hard out. But it was clear in Seattle. Oh, was the Bon’s old-fashioned window lovely!

Saturday, Dec. 17, 1949

Very cold all day and so windy. One of our highest tides yet. We went to the ranch. Everything was under water. Sam cleaned both oil stoves, so they are in good shape. We put some red ruckus on Papa’s grave at the cemetery. It will last most of the winter as weather does not affect it. Put my next year’s Chapter dress away in a bag in the apartment. Put dressing in the goose. It is all ready to roast. The dessert is ready too. Table all set. House clean so I can relax. To Belfair Chapter Christmas party and it was surely well attended. About 175 attended. We had a good time and saw so many we knew. Christy Housen danced, and it was very clever. There was a good program. Michael (Roy Mitchell’s grandnephew) stole the show with “The Night Before Christmas.” Herb Travis was Santa Claus and the children rec’d a bag of candy with a popcorn ball inside. Very pretty. Very cold out. Trying to freeze.

Clydene Hostetler was a longtime Belfair resident and historian. She now resides on a classic wooden boat on the Columbia River. She has been researching Mary Theler’s life for the past 17 years. She can be emailed at [email protected]


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