Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886


Mary sleeps badly, had 'too much candy'

More meetings this week. Sam comes home from bird hunting with a couple of pheasants. He also brought a vase for Mary for her birthday. It was her birthday this week.

Sunday, Nov. 13, 1949

Slept late and then up to Belfair to clean up Temple but the Jones and Shorts had got there early so there was but little to do. Called Alma Nelson from the store to thank her for the lovely corsage. Home and put the wagon wheels away, etc. Then cleaned up and drove to Gig Harbor. Took a duck up to Aunt Vina. They are well. We went up to Vera's and worked on my 2 dish towels while I was there. Met Carl's wife. She is small and dark. Vera gave us lemon pie and coffee. Then home to Vina's and she fried elk steak for us. It was delicious and tender as can be. Stayed until 6:30 but came home as it was getting so foggy. At home worked in my scrapbook, wrote 3 letters and wrote in diary. Very wet out and water everywhere. A lot of traffic on my way home. To bed early.

Monday, Nov. 14, 1949

A windy clear day and I can see lots of snow on the Olympics. Slept late and cleaned cabin good after I had breakfast. To Belfair and made some phone calls. Lovey is home ill so will not be at Officer's Club tonight. Maimee Gould called me and said Betty Oswald passed away, also Katherine Daily's mother. So, I sent sympathy cards out. Finished dish towels and pressed flowered apron. I'm going to use as a Christmas gift. To Bremerton early and stopped at Duffield's. They were going to the library, so I rode in with them to see Lovey. She had such severe pains in her shoulders, arms and neck. She had a shot to curb them about a half an hour before I came. Duffield's were in for a few minutes. Then we went to Officers Club at Bertha Ames. Eunice DeLong was co-hostess. No business so we played bingo. A lot of fun. Molded salad and banana bread was served. Very nice. Home at 11:30. Very cold out.

Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1949

Arose at 8 as the alarm was set. Unknown to me. Did not sleep well, too much candy. Very dry out. Begins to look as if some cold weather is coming. At 12 I picked up Eunice Duffield and we stopped at Lovey's on our way to Social Club. She is getting much better. Flowers came from the Chapter while we were there. At Social Club they elected Maude Shieber vice president and Grace Anderson moved up as president. We had a nice lunch and a pleasant meeting. Then I took Eunice out to Charleston, and I went to Cleora's. She gave me a lot of data on committees. We had dinner and a very lovely time together as we always do. We all went to see the Crisler Pictures at Coontz School and they were wonderful. They were the same as last year with a great deal more added. The coloring was wonderful, and the flowers were so beautiful. Home late and to bed.

Wednesday, Nov. 16, 1949

Today I went to see Lovey on the way to Betty Oswold's funeral. She feels much like her old self again. The officer's flowers were there in an oval shadow box, very cute. To the funeral and saw for first time the Rebecca services. They are somewhat like the Eastern Star. Saw several of our members there also. It was a large funeral. Saw Heather Bancroft at the drug store. She is well. Home and to Betty Fischler's. She had company, Vernon Rundell. We had a nice visit too. A very lovely day and sun was out bright. Tomorrow, I hope to plant bulbs. Had a letter from Blanche H. To Belfair No. 241 and it's Men's Night. They decorated the Chapter Room with deer horns, fish poles, etc. Downstairs had deer surrounded by elk horn moss, like in the forest. Cute! George Eitel spoke and a young man from Shelton gave us a talk on his visit to the Holy Land. Very descriptive and we all enjoyed it. Was almost like being there. To bed late. Had a good time.

Thursday, Nov. 17, 1949

Today it's trying to rain again. I went to Ruth Small's and telephoned Scotts. They will be on the board. Then got Squires who planted all the lilies of the valley that Cleora gave me. Cleaned up desk and fixed my date book and scrapbook. Put several dresses in the attic I don't wear. To Gorst and had my hair combed out. It looked good when she finished. Then to Lovey's and we talked about Rainbow for a while. After that we picked up Alma Nelson and went to Reliance Reception for Floy Gordon. The Chapter room was decorated with sprays of cotton made by Marie Tweed (the only true cotton was in a small bowl in the east.) It was so lovely and so real. We had to get close up to see the difference. Great bales of cotton at all the 4 stations. Very cute. The downstairs was decorated with Magnolia blooms (paper) oh so lovely around the pillars and along the tables. The reception was lovely. A minuet by colonial ladies and men who were very clever. The high school chorus sang. So did Ray Gordon. A splendid evening. Home late.

Friday, Nov. 18, 1949

Today it is very dark and wet but seems it is trying to clear up. Cleaned house, put a lot of stuff in the attic and got my dress ready to wear tomorrow night. Sent out all the Thanksgiving cards. Have all the Christmas cards out ready to address. Subscribed to Schlosberg's Antique Magazine for 1 year. In the afternoon I went to see Lovey. Gave her a sample I found in the attic that goes with an idea she has. Then over to Alma Nelson's and got entangled in the worst traffic jam I ever saw. Took me 15 minutes from Lovey's. Alma had a lovely fried chicken dinner, and I certainly enjoyed it. She is a wonderful hostess. We plan on making lunch for the 2 girls who sew on our costumes for White Shrine Monday. Will take it to their house. Sat around and talked until nearly 10. Very foggy out. A letter from Sam says he will be home Saturday.

Saturday, Nov. 19, 1949

Today had my hair combed for the ball tonight. Worked on my address book and it is quite a job. Sam came home about 2 o'clock with 2 lovely pheasants and a lovely vase for my birthday. Said he had a good time. Lots of birds. The sun was out real warm today. Nicest day for 2 weeks. I suppose we shall get frost now. We ate early and then got ready for the dance. Left so we could get the ice for the punch. Mattie Brooks and Grace Bookman were there to make the punch so soon it was ready as the makings were already there. We had a good crowd and I think Lovey really had a grand time. I thought it was nice of the Starlight girls to present her with green orchids on a lovely white hand painted fan. Everything carried out the Chinese Motif and represented so much work. But ooh, how beautiful. The Chinese lanterns were so colorful! Everyone commented on the decorations. Davis, Roy Mitchells, Al Bards came from Belfair, Loss Higgins Whites, Lees, Marvins, Stees, Duffield's, all too, so many names. The Grand March was climaxed by the presentation of orchids to the Worthy Matron. Very colorful. I wore my new short dress. Felt good on.

Clydene Hostetler was a longtime Belfair resident and historian. She now resides on a classic wooden boat on the Columbia River. She has been researching Mary Theler's life for the past 17 years. She can be emailed at [email protected]


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