Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886


Still hunting during this week, deer and birds. Sam took Queenie out this week again. Mary fixed deer heart for dinner. How many of you have had deer heart?

Sunday, Oct. 30, 1949

Today we got up early and went up on Palmer Mountain. We went through a thicket and by the time we came home we had seen 32 deer. Met the Kraft Cheese man we used to have in the store. Then when we came by Alma Nelson's, she gave us some coffee. We had a nice visit. We saw 3 doe first on our way up, then 6 more, the men got so excited! Then I saw 1 big deer in the woods and later 6 more deer (what kind I don't know) way up on a hill. Sam saw a lot of does in the thicket he went through. Back to Tonasket and gassed up as 2 cars got local gas and their cars did not want to run. Then back to the ranch where all had coffee. Emmett and Allen went to Oroville to see a house for sale. We saw the largest buck I ever saw in front of the Loomis Store. We let Queenie loose and oh was she happy! Sam took Queenie for pheasants then we rode down along Palmer Lake and ran into Ralph and Uncle Louie. Then we met Emmett, and all rode up Toats Coulee Road and I gathered some pine cones. The men targeted one gun and up buzzed a game warden who said, "You boys know that's a reserve there?" So, home we go. No deer today.

Monday, Oct. 31, 1949

We were eating at 4 a.m. and drove way up Palmer Mountain by Alma Nelson's camp. Sam got stuck in the dust and had to be dug up, but we got to our place plenty early. Then we hiked down through the woods and I sat near a canyon. I saw a doe and a fawn, but the first doe was running so fast I could never have shot it and the second one had a fawn. Both were very small. Now I'm being razzed for not shooting! The hunter above me got the first one. Emmett got a small buck, so we took it up to the car. When the men went back, I visited at Alma Nelson's, and she gave coffee to the men. In a short time, the men came in with a big doe. Sam saw it but Jerry Allan shot it. So as soon as it was hung up, out they went again. So, Alma and I had quite a nice visit. We ate lunch and sat in the sun and played lazy. Just as the men all came back and were ready to go home in comes Al Nelson and his nephew with 2 deer. Sam and I sat on a hill above the ranch until dark, saw nothing. To bed early. The shooting at daybreak sounded like the opening of duck season at Tule Lake, Calif. A great many deer were taken.

Tuesday, Nov. 1, 1949

Sam went out hunting and was back at the ranch at 8:30 so at 9:15 we left for home. It was another wonderful day, and we certainly enjoyed the ride. We caught the 5:20 ferry at Seattle, and I was home at 7:10. At 7:40 I was at a Rainbow meeting with Edith Michael. We got away from there at 10:30 after a lovely place of apple pie and ice cream was served. The meeting was interesting although I don't know too much about how the board functions. Home late and read my mail. To bed late. We saw deer on many cars on our way home, 2 bucks, the rest were does. The boat was crowded with hunters and their wives. The trees are still very colorful, and I never saw pear trees so red. It was a most wonderful trip and I wish we could have stayed longer.

Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1949

Today we arose late, and I made breakfast. We ate at 10:10 a.m. Then Eddie Fischler called up, so Sam went at 12:15 to Tacoma with him to attend Bill Bosch's funeral. I cleaned the cabin and upstairs and put away all the clothes, put all old flowers away, etc. Caught a mouse so set more traps. Went up for Squires but his wife was gone so he will come early Thursday. Got my mail and home. Wrote in my diary and finished cleaning house. A warm beautiful day and I'm out by the bulkhead in the sun. So nice. Mother called up. Lovey called, and I made a couple calls, so the phone was busy. Surely takes a lot of time. Blanche sent me some Christmas cards painted by Rockwell Kent in Vermont. Sam came home just as I left for Bremerton. Took Edith Michael to Grant Thompson's Rainbow Meeting of Board No. 94. Very nice meeting and well attended. Lovey and Lita Yank were there. Learned a little more about Rainbow. There certainly are a lot of angles to it. Home early. Took Helen Hatch home.

Thursday, Nov. 3, 1949

Today Squires came down, moved clematis, phlox and finished bed by cabin. Al Orie brought Emmett's boat down to put our shed. Sam went to Seattle to Shriner luncheon and will be gone all day. Got my work done early and went to call on Rosa Mann. It was a very nice afternoon, warm. To Gorst and had my hair combed out. At 5 to 7 came Bernice Bolin and we visited Reliance Chapter. They honored teachers and it was a lovely evening. The Rainbow Girls Jobs Daughters and De Molay for boys were on the program. Downstairs the Men's Chorus from Silverdale sang very good. Maimee Gould, Lovely and Eunice De Long were all there. Home late.

Friday, Nov. 4, 1949

To Seattle early on the 8:30 boat and we had a very good instruction on matrons and amendments. Saw Marie Bush of Quilcene at Frederick's. We bought 6 pitchers for the Masonic Temple. Then caught the 3:20 boat home. Marie Bush was on the boat, Grace Anderson, and Mary and Ruth Radnich. We had a good time on the ferry and dropped Marie Bush off at her house. Home to find Sam at Cady's office with Emmett, Dolph Edmiston and Eddie Fischler. Sam had got 5 ducks and Emmett 3. Everyone was happy over hunting. Ate venison for dinner and it was delicious. Very tired as I only had 5 hours sleep last night. To bed early. Quite cold out and it's going to be foggy. Took 2 ducks to Skenes and found them fine. Much chatter.

Saturday, Nov. 5, 1949

Today we ate breakfast late. Then Sam washed and I changed the beds. Cleaned the duck and the Canadian honker and the goose was hard to do. To Holly and got the fish net from Albert. Sold some tickets to Katie and Mrs. Madson for the bazaar. Saw Grandma for about half an hour and home again. Cut some more cattails so we should have enough. Then I had dinner, and we ate the deer heart. It was delicious too. Sam cleaned his car and packed his clothes. At 7 o'clock he is going to Tule Lake to hunt. Hope he gets some birds. There is a big moon coming up so it may be cold tonight. A lovely sunset tonight. Checked all my Christmas gifts as Monday and I hope to get some of them. Had a birthday card from Helen Anderson.

Clydene Hostetler was a longtime Belfair resident and historian. She now lives on a classic wooden boat on the Columbia River. She has been researching Mary Theler's

life for the past 17 years. She can be emailed at [email protected].


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