Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

City pays bill for resurfacing of Front Street

Drivers familiar with downtown Shelton know that when state Route 3/North First Street is congested with traffic, an alternate, parallel route is available one block east on Front Street.

Local drivers also know they've been in for a bumpy ride, with cracked surfaces and potholes that made the road alongside the railroad tracks resemble a riverbed.

That changed in May when an interlocal agreement allowed Mason County Public Works to help the City of Shelton resurface Front Street between Cota and Kneeland streets. On Tuesday night, the Shelton City Council passed a resolution to pay Mason County $45,925 for its services.

Approval by the council was required because the contract amount exceeded the signing authority of both staff and the city manager. The county purchased 409 tons of asphalt that cost $34,796.

The city's report states that the city and Mason County Public Works Department in September 2013 signed an interlocal agreement that allows the agencies to request work, supplies or equipment from each other. The resolution states "The county has the sufficient equipment, manpower and resources to assist the city on the project."

Author Bio

Gordon Weeks, Reporter

Shelton-Mason County Journal & Belfair Herald


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