Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Letters to the Editor

Sherwood Forest

Editor, the Journal,

In response to the "Save Sherwood Forest" letter to the editor printed on April 23: The proposed timber sale is harvesting second-growth trees on school trust land. Monies derived from the sale of timber from lands held in trust for schools go into the school construction fund.

If you haven't had a chance take a tour of the fairly new North Mason High School - if it wasn't for monies from the sale of timber the levy rate would have been twice as much for the homeowners of North Mason. Would the levy for the new school have passed if it was doubled the amount?

There have been many discussions over the years that school construction should not be funded from the sale of timber. Given we had the highest amount of tax revenue in history and there was no recent talk of replacing timber dollars with other tax revenue, in my opinion it is very doubtful it will ever happen.The other benefits of sustainable forestry include providing family wage jobs for loggers, millworkers and foresters. The wood milled in Washington often stays here eliminating the need to import building material from other areas or countries. The oldest trees remain after harvest, and the new forest will provide younger more vibrant-growing trees that sequester more carbon than older declining trees.

I am confident the state Department of Natural Resources is using the upmost care in planning the timber sale in the Sherwood State Trust Lands forest.

Philip Wolff, Allyn

Gender thoughts

Editor, the Journal,

Science says there are two genders; girls have two X chromosomes, boys have X and Y. Anthropologists can easily determine the gender of skeletons as male or female. Other than a rare abnormal genetic exception, all other issues of gender are psychological. Transgender issues are best handled by family and professionals, not educators or politicians. Parents must participate in transgender decisions for children under 18. Children are not political fodder.

Title IX became law over 50 years ago; it protects women from sexual discrimination. Questions for Shelton High School staff: Can Ms. Title IX coordinator justify an unwanted naked male who's a transgender girl in a high school girls' locker room? Does Mr. Gender Inclusive School Coordinator think a young girl has a right to her shower-room privacy even if a boy says he's a girl? Does Ms. Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator think naked boys in a girls shower is sexual harassment? Does our school superintendent believe transgender children have more rights than nontransgender children? I await letters to the editor from each of you answering the questions.

Democrats want to exclude school funding unless schools permit transgender students to participate in sports of choice. How can we support transgender kids without damaging nontransgender kids? Why does a male transgender think it's fair for them to compete against girls? They are biologically a male, therefore likely stronger. Even boxers understand the different weight classes; welterweight, middleweight and heavyweight. It took forever for girls to get an almost equal footing in the sports world. Some male trans athletes seem to believe they're entitled to compete in women's sports. Democrats will allow a 240-pound male linebacker to tackle a 110-pound girl/transgender boy wide receiver at full speed for political purposes. If Democrats want to change the world, change sexist Democrats like Don Lemon, fired CNN host, who said 81-year-old President Joe Biden is good for another term but 51-year-old Nikki Haley is over the hill.

Educators must teach kids how to think, not what to think. School taxes are meant for students, not school districts. Money should follow the student to public, private or charter school of choice. Mason County has great private schools. Public school educators should market their government school system and seek cooperation between private and public schools.SBA state testing may prove actual educational damage done by WEA and AFT union-caused COVID school closures. America screws up education while China teaches their kids quantum mechanics. Educators must improve education or face failed school bond and tax issues.

Finally, I commend North Mason on their re-enactment of a fatal car crash "Last Dance." Very scary, very worthwhile and very well done. That's what great education looks like.

Ardean Anvik, Shelton

Playing games

Editor, the Journal,

It appears Mr. Bill Pfender of Shelton likes to play word games, especially those involving word substitution. In the April 20 Journal, he found one of my letters and proceeded to cross out my words and insert in brackets words of his own, thus making my letter more palatable to his own political superstitions. It was a laugh riot.

I have a similar game for you, Mr. Pfender. I'll give you the title of a bill passed by your party - The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Now, your challenge is to cross out just one word in that title (hint: it starts with an R), and replace it with another so as to bring it more in line with reality.

But wait. I've just heard of a different title. It's certainly reality-based and fits perfectly into President Joe Biden's "America Last" agenda. It reads, "The Democratic Climate Change Slush Fund Bill of 2023." This breaks the rules of the game, but it sure works for me.

Good luck, Mr. Pfender.

R.E. Graham, Union

Save our bay

Editor, the Journal,

Joni Mitchell said it best in "Big Yellow Taxi":

They paved paradise and put up a parking lot

With a pink hotel, a boutique and a swinging hot spot.

Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone?

They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.

Taylor Shellfish has applied to bring a 50-acre oyster farm to Oakland Bay. It's huge, monstrous and ugly. Only 60 households were notified as they will be impacted as this first invasion impinges on them and their property values. On the maps on the state Department of Ecology, parts of the bay are banned for pollution. This isn't the case for mid- and northern parts of the bay. The questions are many. Those that are overriding to me are as follows: Do the people of Shelton want to sacrifice the beauty of the bay for profits for a party of one Taylor Shellfish? Is this the beginning? While only 60 households were notified once Taylor Shellfish gets a foothold, what will happen to the rest of the bay that is not restricted? They'll say "well it's ugly but all these people over here have to put up with it ..."

Are the owners of Taylor Shellfish doing so badly that they really need the money? I would be happy to send them whatever I can afford to help them make ends meet. This will change not only the beauty of the bay but Shelton culturally and recreationally. Is it worth it?

A public hearing will be at 1 p.m. May 24 at 411 N. 5th St. in Shelton. Directions to access the hearing are on the Mason County website at or call the hearing examiner clerk at 360-427-9670, ext. 365. Written and oral testimony will be accepted up to the close of the hearing.

Save the day and save our beautiful bay!

Mark and Christin Herinckx, Shelton

Get woke

Editor, the Journal,

I would like to respond to the April 27 letter "To the dump." Thank you, Mr. Graham for making me reread guest columnist Billy Thomas' "A call to action for our community" of April 13. Mr. Graham's strong reaction made me think I must have misunderstood the column - column, not letter, hence the length. Not sure why the obsession over length.

Quite frankly Mr. Graham proved Mr. Thomas' point. I wonder if Mr. Graham is using his letter as an audition for Tucker Carlson's old job. He does a great regurgitation of Tucker.

Perhaps Mr. Graham or others who share his views could explain why the fear of "diversity," "equity" and "inclusion"? What exactly are the red flags these buzzwords raise for you? A response that says what you mean and means what you say would be appreciated.

Mr. Thomas was called a "wokester." My understanding of "woke" is that it was originally an African American slang word for staying awake. Being aware of your surroundings. Being aware of social injustice and prejudice. I say a sense of self-preservation.

I realize the radical right has made "woke" a catch phrase for anything they don't like. Anything they can use to rile their base just to get votes.

It was also said "Mr. Thomas implied that the citizens of Mason County are irredeemable racists." Actually, he did not imply that at all. He said straight up how life situations can get better for all people. I'd say Mr. Thomas knows his audience.

Oh, and the only problem Alissa Heinerscheid of Anheuser-Busch had was assuming Bud Light drinkers were not still Neanderthals. Big tough man - me drink light beer - no want trans woman on can. Would it be different if you didn't know she is trans? What about any woman being on the can? Why are you tough macho men so afraid of a transgender woman? Are they really a threat to your life?

This reaction of wanting to throw the newspaper in the trash and wanting to silence Mr. Thomas is exactly what we have just seen Republican state legislators in Tennessee and Montana do.

To Mr. Graham and those who think as he does: Just because you or someone you know personally has not experienced or witnessed any form of discrimination, prejudice, racism, homophobia or transphobia does not mean it does not exist.

To Mr. Thomas, thank you for your guest column. I hope we hear more.

To the editor, thank you for Mr. Thomas' column (and photo). And thank you for Mr. Graham's letter, we need to hear all perspectives.

I would like to hear from more people who can share their experiences. As Mr. Thomas explained, we are all affected by mistreatment of our fellow human beings.

One last thing, being "woke" is a good thing. We all need to "get woke" to what radical Republican lawmakers are doing to all of us.

Get woke and embrace it.

Donna Holliday, Shelton

Verified wealth

Editor, the Journal,

Continuing my response to Mr. R.E. Graham's oratorical spew of April 20 ... Why would President Joe Biden continue former President Donald Trump's Chinese tariffs? Good question, Mr. Graham, with a simple answer. The tariffs Trump imposed started a tariff war with China. Presidents Trump and Xi Jinping agreed to a truce and signed a "phase one" agreement to begin in 2020. Some of the tariff rates were reduced but were all left intact provided China increased its purchase of some U.S. goods and agricultural products. However, Chad Brown of The Peterson Institute for International Economics who tracks China's purchases says China is purchasing only about 60% of what they agreed to do. Personally, I suspect Biden has left the tariffs in place to stimulate American enterprise and wean us off of dependence on China. So, kudos to both Trump and Biden. (I challenge Mr. Graham or Mr. Anvik to be as magnanimous toward Biden.)

As to "How did Joe Biden and his family become filthy rich in the last few years? And on a politician's salary?" I challenge you to 1) define exactly what you mean by the phrase "filthy rich;" 2) provide your source for such a disputable statement; and 3) as compared to whom, Mr. Graham? Biden has released 25 years of his personal tax returns and anyone can track his gains and losses. How many tax returns has Trump voluntarily released? What about Biden's family, you say? Well, what about Trump's extended family's fortunes? Yes, Biden has Hunter, but Trump has Jared and Eric. I seem to hear the kettle calling the pot black. It appears that both politicians lost money while in office but only the Bidens' wealth can be verified. The Bidens still appear to be "quite poor" in relation to Trump's unconfirmed braggadocio (ka-ching). Or maybe, just maybe, the Bidens became "filthy rich" because the IRS has been so underfunded, understaffed and overwhelmed for at least the last 30 years that they cheated on their taxes as many now surmise both Claretta Corrupta, oops, I meant Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court, and Donella Strumpet, oops, slipped again, I meant Donald Trump, of doing (ka-ching).

Bill Pfender, Shelton

Thank you all

Editor, the Journal,

It is with a grateful heart that I write this. It takes a village to produce a two-act inspirational musical drama with volunteers. "Moment of Truth" is coming to the SHS Performing Arts Center May 19-21 with four shows. Twenty percent of ticket sales are supporting local Celebrate Recovery groups and Gethsemane Ministries and there will be a donation box. Both ministries help create healthy people and healthy people mean healthy communities. It is our honor to support them.

Posters are going up and there are just so many volunteers to thank. I have been doing drama ministry for 35 years now and believe this to be the pinnacle of my career. I couldn't do this without Jodie Guedon as my assistant director who also plays the demon of Deceit and is amazing. We plan to publish for national distribution post-production and it is all happening in my hometown of Shelton. What a small circle. I co-wrote my first script at SHS over 50 years ago.

The inter-generational cast of 25 runs from 6 through 80. The crew is still growing! El Kristen and Sons gave us our first seed money to print the first set of scripts with the coordination of Rachelle Anderson. Someone on our prayer team gave $1,000 to get things moving. Plus, the number of people stepping in to help financially and with time are too many to list. Thank you all.

Shelton Presbyterian, Gateway Christian Fellowship and Alliance Bible Church have opened their doors to give us rehearsal times on their stages for months. Greg Soulier, who grew up in Shelton - owner of Graphic Communications - edited posters and flyers for free and printed at a 50% discount. They will do the same for the 2,800 playbills. Woohoo! Again, thank you all!

Shelton High School's open-door policy to our community has been nothing short of stellar for us. We've tried Deanna's patience in the PAC scheduling department with changes of which she always responded with a joyful heart. We've gotten much-needed free stage rehearsal times and are so grateful. Joey Seward is the technical engineer who oversees every use of their stage. I hope Shelton realizes just how much this man does for our community entertainment and with the students at the PAC. His kindness, patience and expertise have been an answer to prayer. His high school students will be doing all of our lights, sound and sound effects, which relieves me of so much. And great teaching. It will be their videos that will enable us to put together a director's kit for publishing.

The angel of Joy is Theresa Murray. She is not only a fabulous actress but also writes the "Good News Kid's Message" weekly (I try to read it myself weekly for inspiration) and does advertising for the Shelton-Mason County Journal. They have been generous with helping us get the word out. Thank you, Journal. This should be a great night out for families, date nights and group fun. You might think to bring someone who needs a bit of encouragement. $10 adults and $5 under 10. Tickets are on sale at Shelton Land and Homes, Mottet Fine Jewelry, The Rock Thrift Store and in Hoodsport at Olympic Stove and Spa. Thank you all. Or scan the QR code off posters with a small fee to print tickets. $15 at the door. Hope to see you there.

Laura Lee Roznowski, Shelton

China spying, stealing

Editor, the Journal,

300,000 Chinese students in America's colleges. Did you know this? Have you ever questioned why your child or grandchild did not get accepted to their choice of colleges?

Moving on. Using the 80/20 rule, that 20% are tied to China Communist Party, or CCP, are spying/stealing our intellectual property for China, or 60,000 students in our colleges and later working for many companies in USA or throughout the world. Do you think this number is high, how about 5%, or 15,000 spying or stealing from us? Where are these people?

China does not limit their spying to college students. They actively and aggressively continue to hack our critical infrastructures, businesses, military, government and political parties. China has set up secret police stations in countries (including ours in New York) suppressing negative news or views about China.

Based on my experience, there may be one in Olympia, forwarding the Journal to China. China flies spy balloons over sensitive U.S. military sites. Our U.S. military and administration was late in detecting and shooting it down. China tries to buy land or start businesses next to sensitive military sites. China has been buying our farmland, treasuries, companies in USA, etc., for what purpose? Only to spy and steal from us.

China's whole economy is based on theft from countries, primarily the USA. They steal intellectual property from colleges, businesses, military suppliers, labs, etc. What is the cost to U.S. economy? $225 to $600 billion a year. This includes pirated software, theft of trade secrets and counterfeit goods. China targets every business segment. It has been going on for years (20+) and our government has done little to nothing to stop it. So many examples including farming, manufacturing, energy, pharmaceutical, semiconductors, software, aerospace (China's new commercial plane), etc. I will repeat, nothing to little has been done to stop it or slow it down by our president and administration, Congress, etc.

China's business model includes manufacturing products for companies, learning and copying products, and using the manufacturing knowledge from it to start China communist companies/products that compete against American or other country products. Oh, I forgot the billions of dollars in counterfeited products they sell throughout the world.Please consider this when you buy "Made in China."

Our government has learned from COVID, China's buildup of their military, spying on us, the war in Ukraine and has started to do something. Incentives to manufacture and source medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, chips, electric car batteries, rare minerals, etc., in America. Big and small businesses are now moving manufacturing out of China to USA, Vietnam and India. Our government is helping boost Japan defense, selling submarines to Australia and more military aid to Taiwan. Unfortunately, they have started too late with nine-plus years of backlog of miliary goods sold to Taiwan.

Our government has banned companies and products because of spying fears. Huawei telecom equipment has been banned in America, Europe, etc. Also, some camera manufacturers. Chip manufacturing equipment has been banned from being sold to China. China parts, software, etc. is banned in military products. TikTok is being banned everywhere because of spying fears by multiple governments, potentially exposing 150 million Americans personal data, including our children's. Our government continues to look at other Chinese products including freight cranes at ports, applications on your phone, telecom equipment, software, etc.

Please consider China spying on us and stealing from us. They are not a friend of America and other countries. Maybe the current administration should focus on China. This includes FBI not focused on parents at school board meetings, investigating Catholic churches, denying Hunter Biden's laptop, supporting Russian collusions or working with social media companies to suppress news, facts, etc. Maybe it's time that all of us start reducing our purchases from China. Please consider, what happens when "made in China" goods can no longer be purchased, plus future sanctions on goods sold to China, when they attack Taiwan, Japan, Philippines or another country.

Howard Ringoen, Shelton

Testament to work

Editor, the Journal,

The reason you've been stopped on state Route 3 for six months to and from the west side of Shelton is that Redside Construction was in the process of building, then moving, piers from the shore to the water of Oakland Bay with a final assist from Snell Crane Company's Monster Yellow Crane which, when fully extended, touches the heavens.

While working on a tobacco farm, President Calvin Coolidge's son was assured by a fellow worker, "If my father were president, I wouldn't be working on a tobacco farm" to which the president's son replied, "If your father were my father you would."A teachable moment! The value, discipline and comradery of work.

I supplied the audience of my daughter (the mother) and two grandchildren ages 4 (Obadiah) and 2 (Marigold). The protagonist, let's call him Calvin Junior; a boy approaching his teen years proudly wearing the Redside construction shirt, hard hat, work boots and carrying a clipboard, accompanied the 12-man construction crew, exuding pride, joy and the confidence of youth on his initiation into a productive and fulfilling career. Redside Construction Superintendent Jeremy orchestrated the event.

My family observed the ponderously delicate pier moving operation until the work paused for the day; the family for preschool, the mother to her environmental work making the Puget Sound a safe environment for our aquatic neighbors. Superintendent Jeremy gifted my two grandchildren Redside Construction stickers; my granddaughter repositioned same for the greater aesthetic expression.

James Poirson, Shelton


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