Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Thelers busy with planning trip, Christmas

Mary and Sam are going on a hunting trip. Lovey got a little miffed at Mary about the plate thing. I think Lovey could be difficult at times, but Mary doesn't seem to care. Lovey is her friend.

Friday, Dec. 17, 1948

Arose early and Sam went to Seattle on several errands. I took presents and went to Belfair. Delivered to Rudy, Schlange, Emmett, Rices, Grandma White, Hacketts, Cadys and Mary Ruths. All were fine but it was a job to stay but a few minutes each place. Then to Bremerton. Mrs. Nichols rode in with me. Took the two bonds to the bank. Out to Cleora's, Mama's and Bob Marvin's. That took quite a time and saw Mrs. Berray on way home. She will make plates for me for past matrons' night. Then Lovey called. Wanted me to go to show at the high school. When I told her about the plates she was upset. Said it was her idea. She forgot she told me she thought it too expensive. Now, I suppose she thinks I've taken her idea. To Bob Morgan Sr. with salmon for Christmas. Had a nice visit. Very cold out, freezing again. To Rosa Mann's and spent a nice evening. She gave me some homemade bread. To bed late.

Saturday, Dec. 18, 1948

Arose early and ate. To the Belfair Masonic Temple to fix tables and tree for Christmas party at 6:30. Found Alice Pope already there with greens. Later came Roy Mitchell, Rudy and Clarence Davis with chairs. Then Alma Bard, Helen Mitchell and Christine Ahl. We got everything done and at 1:10 we were all finished and oh, the place was beautiful! Came home to find Henry here and we had quite a talk. He and Laurice will be at Tule Lake Dec. 27 so we can all hunt together. Sam cleaned both stoves and that is something good done. Now he has gone to Belfair to see if Swan Truedson can stay. Nichols was over and suggested it. To the Christmas party at 5:45 and we had a wonderful time. The kitchen committee was Helen Mitchell, Alice Pope, Alice Rice, Alma Bard, Ruth Small, Addie Jones and myself. We had a wonderful time and there was a fine program and candy for the children. There was a wonderful array of foods of all kinds so everyone had as much as they could eat. Home early and to bed. A very pleasant day.

Sunday, Dec. 19, 1948

Today it was raining when we woke up. There was snow on the ground, but it soon disappeared. Made some good apple sauce and Sam fixed the stove so it runs OK, also fixed locks at the tavern. Then he got everything together for the trip to Tule Lake, Friday. Put labels on salmon so we can take some along. I packed everything I could for Friday. Can't do any more until that day. It took me most of the day so I'm pretty tired now. The Nichols boy is going to stay here while we are gone and sleep upstairs. Anyway, someone will sleep here. In the evening we had elk steak for dinner with baked potatoes and it was delicious. Louie got an elk this year east of the mountains. About 7 p.m. Rudy and Alma came over and we had a very nice visit. We had lunch and how Rudy did enjoy the pickled herring we had. To bed early. Very windy out all day.

Monday, Dec. 20, 1948

Arose at 6:30 and Sam went to Tacoma early to get coupe tuned up. To Bremerton and got my teeth cleaned so now I'm all ready for New Year's. Stopped at Alma Nelson's and gave her my dress. We had a nice visit. Then I stopped at Eunice Duffield's, and she was trimming her tree. It was a lovely one too. Home and cleaned house and repacked one suitcase. May change others before Friday. To Ross Mann's and got a coat for a little girl also a fine piece of pastry. Then to Betty Fischler's and we had a nice visit. Eddie was in Belfair. He came before I left. Up to Mae Housen's and got my nylon slip and heard Lee play on the piano. He does very well too. Sorted clothes for washing tomorrow. In the evening Sam went to Masonic meeting in Belfair. I called on Blanche Hackett and we had a nice visit. Georgia Oakland came in and we talked until late. Home and to bed. Very slippery roads out.

Tuesday, Dec. 21, 1948

We got up early and Sam went to store to load a pinball machine on the truck before breakfast. So, I started the washing and was half done when he came home. Changed the beds and got ready to go to Social Club. Sam got chairs welded for the trip and

putup braces for the camellias. Then he went to Seattle to get his checkup Wednesday a.m. early. To Social Club with Eunice Duffield and we had a fine time. A Mrs. Kilgore gave a demonstration on table and door decorations for Christmas. Home and dug a hole for my pink dogwood, which I shall plant tomorrow. It is a fine tree. Very cold out but now it's raining. To Skene's after dinner and after I'd cleaned up my desk. We had a pleasant evening. Home early and to bed. Raining hard out. Saw a skunk on the way home.

Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1948

Last night it snowed so it was lovely out today. The sun shone all afternoon. To the beauty shop and had my hair done. Then home and got all ironing finished and mending done. All is put away. Now to fry chicken and take frozen food to locker. Aunt Vina was here while I was away. So sorry to have missed her. Took all the frozen food to Belfair and talked to Alice Pope a while. Sam was there and had the mail. Home and got an early dinner of fried chicken. It was very good. Then we drove down to Cady's and saw their tree. It was lovely. Flossie and boys went with us to school program, and we sat awhile longer then home. We opened our Christmas gifts and there were such lovely things. The gravy spoon from Alma and Rudy and book from Blanche were the best. Very cold out and slick on the roads. To bed early.

Thursday, Dec. 23, 1948

Today Swan Truedson came down to establish the lines so he can watch our timber while we are away. Then Sam went duck hunting. Got four ducks. Bill got the limit. George Nichols came over so I gave him a list of instructions while we are away. Packed balance of suitcases so am all ready for Friday's trip. Bette LeMier was down. We had a nice visit. We drove up to the cemetery and the new fence was up. It looks very nice too. Snow was all over the ground, but the red flowers looked nice. Home and ate early. To Chapter and took Duffield's and Lovey along. Had my hair combed on the way into town and it looked very good. We had initiation and a short meeting so we could visit a lot upstairs. The Chapter Room was beautiful with frosted leaves and branches with a snowman in corner of balcony. Ruby surely can do things. Too bad so few were out. The initiation went very well and two candidates instead of four, so they got a double dose of flowers. Home early and to bed. Refreshments were cupcakes with holly on them. The chaplain made a talk on "giving."

Clydene Hostetler was a longtime Belfair resident and historian. She now resides on a classic wooden boat on the Columbia River. She has been researching Mary Theler's life for the past 17 years. She can be emailed at [email protected].


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