Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Mary shops, socializes and attends to club business

Mary's dad caught a skunk in a trap. Now you know that must have been a bit of a challenge to remove it without getting sprayed. The terminology "hair spray" wasn't being used yet and Mary refers to it as "hair lacquer." I think hair spray is more ladylike. More food, flowers, shopping in Seattle and meetings. Mary is a busy gal this week.

Friday, Oct. 1, 1948

Arose early and picked up Ruth Small. We parked car and caught the 8:30 ferry. We parted on 2nd Ave. to go to our respective meetings. To Conductresses meeting but Floss Bush did not come so there was no instruction. We planned our addenda for Delores Moore Oct. 9th. Had a good lunch. Met Gladys Eiler on boat and Manny Lemier who bought me my breakfast. Shopped for a few things. Got powder, cologne, hair lacquer and things I've needed for some time. Had tea at the Bon about 4:30. Caught 5:30 boat to town and Mrs. Small was on that too. So, I took her to her daughter's in Bremerton. Home early to find the painters here. Put all my stuff away. To bed early. Cool and clear out. A very warm day in Seattle.

Saturday, Oct. 2, 1948

Arose early and went to Mary Ruth's. She combed out my hair and lacquered it. Looks so nice. Then I picked up Alma Sundstrom at Belfair, got Lovey in town and over to Maymie Handberg's. Mayme showed Alma as much as she could about the secretary work of the Chapter. She served a grand lunch, such good rolls. We all ate too much. Then to Temple for our practice and it turned out very good. Ann Esther was home from Alaska so we all were eager to hear about her trip. To Belfair and took Alma home, then saw Sam at store working on a Port Commission petition. So, I signed that and went home. Had dinner at 6 but no Sam so we ate. Now have all desk cleaned up. Rec'd a letter from Mrs. Robischau. She is such a good correspondent. Raining out again. Papa caught a skunk in a trap today.

Sunday, Oct. 3, 1948

Rained today so I did all ironing and mending. Sam braced up woodpile so it would not fall down, then put outside davenport in the shed for winter. Rudy S. was here to get port petitions and get more signatures. The two painters are here too so the cabin is fast getting cleaned up. The porches are painted again so they look very good. The fresh flowers look very nice in the house. Soon the frost will take all the dahlias. The painters finished all the first coat today and it surely looks good. Sam and I drove to Tacoma. We ate our dinner at Max Frolic's, and it was very good. Then home via ferry and oh so many cars waiting to go to Tacoma. Home early and read the Sunday papers. Still raining outside.

Monday, Oct. 4, 1948

Today I overslept and it was 9:05 before I awoke so I dressed, and Betty Fischler was here before I was ready. We drank a cup of coffee and went to town. It rained so hard Betty got wet feet and bought new shoes and an umbrella. I found a few things I wanted, and we went out to Haddon Hall for the Hatasu Club luncheon. It was very nice and there were quite a few there I knew. There was a council program and a few talks. Home and got dinner. Sam got corn at the ranch and saw a lot of ducks. Took the dog along. Today Sam got signatures on port election paper. Is out again on same deal. Squires finished bulkhead garden. To Skene's in the evening and met her sister Grace who did most of the talking. Home early and to bed.

Tuesday, Oct. 5, 1948

Squires came today and planted pampas grass up by rail fence. Took down a dead cherry and plated a flowering one there. Then I cleaned chickens for tomorrow's lunch and got house all cleaned up good. Took Blanche Hackett for a ride. We finally went up on the Dosewallips and way up the river. Ate our dinner at Riverine Lodge and it was super. Baked ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, fried apples, squash (2 kinds), hot rolls, salad, soup and peaches and cream and cake for $2.00. I think they made the cake after we got there as it was still warm. Anyway, Blanche enjoyed herself so that is all that counts. Home and found out Bette and her mother are coming to lunch tomorrow. To bed early. Sam went to Seattle.

Wednesday, Oct. 6, 1948

Today it rained all day, and it was a busy one. All morning I worked to get lunch. The table looked beautiful with pink dahlias in a cut glass celery dish and pink candles the same color. The folks came about 1:15 and I had everything ready. We had a most wonderful afternoon and I think they enjoyed their lunch, chicken salad, two slices of tomato, green peas, rolls, jelly, pickles, tea, strawberries over ice cream and cookies. After they left, I cleaned up all the dishes and got supper. The painters came down tonight. To Belfair Eastern Star Social Club. 38 were there including Grace Hagen and others from Philathea. We had a good time and most of then think chairs are OK. Rode up with Betty Fischler. They served pumpkin pie and whipped cream. Had lovely glads on the table. Home late.

Thursday, Oct. 7, 1948

Today I put everything away from yesterday's lunch. Squires worked again on the transplanting. Got my hair done at 1. It looks very nice, too. Ate an early dinner and the painters came just as we were finished. Took Alice Pope, Wilma Rasmussen and Ruth Small to Reliance. Fetty F. was ill so could not go. It was the event of Worthy Grand Matrons Official Visit and Florence Waggoner wore a lovely blue gown for the event. The flowers were lovely too, pink pom-pom dahlias and variegated Weigelia leaves. There were several from Belfair. Alice Pope got the Institution Dinner tickets to all the matrons present. We stayed talking to this one and that one until they took off the tablecloth's downstairs. Most of us got one of the Star Shaped Favors with a picture of Florence in the center. To bed late. Cold out.

Clydene Hostetler is a longtime Belfair resident, local historian, media archivist and documentary filmmaker of "Hidden in Plain Sight." She has been researching Mary Theler's life for the past 14 years. She can be emailed at [email protected].


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