Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Letters to the Editor

Inflation's roots

Editor, the Journal,

Bill Pfender wrote in last week's Journal that inflation is caused by capitalism. Huh?

How does he explain Venezuela? All socialist economies experience inflation, Mr. Pfender. See "The Problem of Inflation in Socialist Countries," Kazimierz Laski and Michael Vale, Eastern European Economics, Vol. 17, No. 4 (Summer 1979), pp. 3-84 (82 pages), published by Taylor & Francis. See also, The New York Times article, "A New Soviet Candor: Inflation Under Communism," Bill Keller, 1988. There are many, many more cites if you care to do a few minutes research.

Inflation is caused by growth in the money supply through exponential credit expansion, that is, debt. Inflation, Mr. Pfender, is caused by government spending way more money than it can bring in through taxation. It makes up the difference by debt; in our case the government borrows from the Federal Reserve Bank, which simply makes the money up out of thin air by computer entry. The Federal Reserve then buys the government-issued debt that the government can't sell in the market, also with money it never had. Sounds dangerous, right? You explain to me how this makes the slightest logical or economic sense.

The truth is, our government is so far in debt that if all of the public and private assets in the country were sold, it would not be enough to pay the government debt. Stop and let that sink in for a bit.

Now consider this: When interest rates rise, the amount of money the government has to pay to make its debt payments also rises, forcing it to borrow more and more just to pay the interest on its debt. Hyperinflation and currency collapse occur when the public realizes that the game is up. Although interest rates should be set by the market at large, the Fed and the government cannot allow that to happen. Since the debt can't be paid in current dollars, it must be inflated away. Thus, inflation is in fact a government priority. However, once the tide begins to move, it is very difficult to control and can't be controlled without a great deal of pain to taxpayers. No politician wants to endanger his or her re-election. I suspect that is why we rarely hear any politician in either party discuss this very serious problem.

Mr. Pfender, capitalism is simply a system of voluntary transactions between willing buyers and sellers where each perceives value in the transaction. Capitalism does not cause inflation, government's ever-increasing debt spending enabled by unbacked currency that can be pulled out of thin air in unlimited amounts causes inflation. And it always has. Read the history of money. There are many, many examples that prove this. Finally, I'll point out that throughout all of history, there has never been a fiat currency that has failed to collapse. Not one exception. Neither party appears to be willing to stop the insane spending or allow interest rates to rise enough to slow inflation.

If we experience hyperinflation and a currency collapse, we may also experience the loss of democracy. Certainly, we will experience a massive lowering of our standard of living, such as most alive today have never experienced and would not believe possible. Mr. Pfender, socialism always results in a lower standard of living as well as loss of individual freedoms. Why anyone desires that outcome baffles me.

Bruce Finlay, Shelton

Chicken Littles

Editor, the Journal,

Each week, I enjoy reading the letters to the editor in the Shelton-Mason County Journal. Some are well-composed, logical, instructive and informative, while others are personal, peevish and poorly sourced diatribes. Both are extremely entertaining, especially the diatribes.

Take for example the letter of Sept. 1 titled "Communism, socialism." It's a perfect example of the Chicken Little (aka Henny Penny) syndrome so prevalent in some circles these days. "how many people know that our state educational system "requires" [my quotes] that kindergartners and first-graders be taught that gender is a social construct."

I guess that's the writer's interpretation of "age-appropriate ... social-emotional learning." Interesting to note that Senate Bill 5395, to which the writer is alluding, passed in 2020 and was reconfirmed by the defeat of Referendum 90 by 58% to 42% in 2021."Woe be unto you, liberals, for espousing such hedonistic beliefs [I wonder if the writer actually read the law?] because the sky is falling. Society as we know is in mortal danger!"

Enough of education. Let's segue into "the true goal of socialism is communism" and "communism is atheistic."

Interesting statement seeing as the original Christians practiced communism. It would appear from a historical perspective that all Christians today are not really true to their origins. MAGA true believers, let's make sure that only boys play with trains and cars, and girls only play with dolls and dress up. Enough of this sissy stuff. Our Western heritage was founded on the separation of the sexes. Only males should participate in sports, government, the military or church leadership. A woman's true place is only in the home and the man should be the only breadwinner. True conservatives arise. And if you believe in any of this last bit of claptrap, there's a bridge in Brooklyn that's for sale.

Bill Pfender, Shelton

Recalling 9/11

Editor, the Journal,

Sunday I watched replays of 9/11; planes crashing into the towers, buildings collapsing, and smoke and toxic ash in the air. Then I flashed back to our ignominious retreat from Afghanistan one year ago just so President Joe Biden could say we were out of Afghanistan by the 20th anniversary of 9/11. It was a publicity stunt.

We weren't winning but were trying to prevent another 9/11. What we got is politics. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have open borders but claim they're being managed. Anyone seeing border crossings in Arizona and Texas tell a different story; they're completely out of control. Terrorists, criminals, fentanyl, illegal guns, MS-13 gang members, sex-trafficked young people, crystal meth all cross our border every day. Just last week the feds seized 1,300 pounds of crystal meth at the border. Millions of immigrants have come across unvaccinated and untested for COVID. What do apologists for Biden/Harris say about all this? Their response is denial!

Biden, Kamala, Sen. Patty Murray, Rep. Derek Kilmer and local deniers should go to the southern border, talk to border agents, and see for themselves. It's one thing to be wrong; it's another to lie about it. We know Biden and Kamala are political cowards; they won't look at the results of their insane policy. Murray and Kilmer refuse to challenge that policy because they're also political cowards. Mayors of New York City, Washington, D.C., Chicago and other sanctuary cities complain as they're being inundated with illegals who don't exist according to deniers. It's pathetic that Democrats deny their responsibility in this border crisis. They're more interested in winning the next election than helping people. Remember, you can fix the border if you vote the deniers out of office. Start with Patty Murray and Derek Kilmer. If there's another terrorist attack because of our open border, it's because every federal politician, Republican or Democrat, who believes our border is controlled is politically, morally and personally responsible. I think they should also be criminally liable. Anyone who votes for Patty Murray or Derek Kilmer is a denier about the border being controlled. They open us up to another terrorist attack. At the next terrorist act, I hope the deniers can sleep at night, knowing they had a role in the terrorism as they did nothing to prevent it. I hope there is no more 9/11 terrorism, but if terrorists do attack again, let's hold all open-border deniers morally responsible.

Ardean Anvik, Shelton

On homelessness

Editor, the Journal,

The new city homeless ordinance that was passed will have no enforcement and no accountability. Jeff Niten, city manager, said in the City Council meeting on Sept. 6, "we have carrots, but no sticks" in regards to accountability. He said Shelton doesn't have the opportunity at this point to ensure accountability for the homeless camps. He said the reason is because of lack of jail space, staffing, COVID and other resources.

So why are they approving new unenforceable ordinances? The good news is he said he understands that providing mitigation sites for homeless will do nothing except allow the mitigation sites to grow without an "opportunity for next step up." It appears he understands that the homeless need a pathway to permanent housing. Yet they passed the ordinance with no provision for such opportunity.

He did not say anything about canvassing the people to determine where they came from, if they can go back, do they have family support, or if they need mental or addiction services. See dated Sept. 6.

Niten said there is a lot of misinformation about the temporary homeless camping ordinance that was just passed, and it's "unfortunate" the concern is the city is doing nothing. The mayor previously stated the ordinance is not what we think it is. Maybe those two should write a letter to the editor and explain it to us.

Pam Burger, Shelton; Dean Jewett, Shelton; Jackie Jewett, Shelton; Mitch Cramer, Shelton; Rebecca Bechtolt, Shelton; Merrill Russell, Shelton; Kevin Slaughter, Shelton; Becky Cronquist, Shelton; Peggy Lingle Cobain, Shelton

Please pull over

Editor, the Journal,

Depending on who you are and what you're doing, driving can either be an enjoyable experience or another chore that you do as you go about your day. Taking a fun road trip with your family on a summer weekend can be a lot of fun and a great bonding experience. Being stuck on Interstate 5 on a Friday afternoon when you're in a hurry and have kids screaming at you from the back seat can make any of us question our belief in a benevolent god.

Whether you live in the city and can walk most places or spend an average of 2½ hours a day in the car like me, almost everyone in the U.S. will at some point spend some time behind the wheel of a car. One thing everyone realizes when they start driving is just how many different driving styles there are. Most of these will sound familiar.

The terrified new driver griping the steering wheel and constantly looking around as they use the freeway for the first time. The person speeding up and slowing down as they text while driving. The shorter person peering over the steering wheel of a huge truck. The guy weaving in out of traffic trying to get wherever he's going as fast as he can.

I might cast a curious glance at these folks and question why they drive like they do, but to each their own. The group of folks that I have truly come to loathe are the folks that are oblivious to their surroundings, specifically the folks who would realize they need to pull over if they only looked around.

There are two scenarios I encounter at least twice a week that I simply cannot believe.

The first scenario is the person not passing anyone while they are in the left lane on I-5. Everyone I know complains about this, but a ton of people of all ages still do it. I understand if I-5 is congested and all lanes are going about the same speed. But if there is a significant gap (more than 10 car lengths) between you and the person in front of you, move over. If there is no one to the right of you, move over. You might think you are going fast, but there's probably someone going faster. If in doubt, move over into the middle or right lane. Trust me, people will thank you.

The second scenario is one that you've encountered if you've driven a road like state Route 3 or U.S. Highway 12: a winding 55 mph road with not many areas where you can safely pass someone. This can be a pain to anyone stuck behind a slow vehicle, which is why the engineers that designed the road put in slow vehicle turnoffs throughout. I travel Route 3 daily, and there are four or five of the areas between Allyn and where it slows down around Agate Road. There are plenty of reasons why a person would go a bit slow on these roads. Pulling a trailer and worried about the curves? That's fine, but pull over if you see a group of cars behind you. Do you have a passenger who gets car sick and you're worried taking the corners too fast? I don't want you to ruin the inside of your car, but please pull over. Driving an old beater that's on its last legs? Don't blow a gasket on my account, but please pull over if you see folks behind you.

So why should you pull over? Did you know you can get pulled over by the cops on I-5 even if you are doing 5 mph over the speed limit but are still causing a backup of cars behind you? It's true. I was once pulled over because the policy of the company I drove was to get in the left lane and stay there. The theory was the less you changed lanes the less likely you were to get into an accident. Good idea, bad citizenship. On roads like Route 3 there are two good reasons. One, by law you are supposed to pull over if there are more than five cars behind you. These signs are posted along the highway. The second reason is to reduce the likelihood of someone getting impatient, trying to pass you on the left/oncoming traffic lane, and either getting into a head-on collision or forcing you off the road when you suddenly have to move over. It's technically not your fault, but it could have been avoided if you had simply moved over.

Will anyone actually change their driving habits because they read this? Probably not, but at least I'll feel like I've done what I could to try and keep the roads I travel a bit safer and myself a bit saner.

Shane Moore, Shelton

Trump, oath violator

Editor, the Journal,

The presidential oath of office, as taken by ex-President Donald Trump:

"I Donald Trump do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of the president of the United States and will to the best of my ability, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

The oath-taking dates to the first Congress in 1789. The current oath is a product of the 1860 Civil War-era members of Congress its intent is on ensnaring traitors. The Constitution's oath of office is only for the president. Now, 162 years later, the oath worked. It caught the traitor as designed, thank God! On Jan. 6, 2021, while Congress was in the act of carrying out its constitutional duty of certifying a free and fair election, Trump led and conspired to stage a deadly coup to stop Congress from certifying the election of President Joe Biden.

The leader of the party is Trump. Both Trump and Sen. Lindsey Graham are again calling for more seditious violence on interviews on national TV - on FOX. We all must remember what Trump said at rally, "Do not believe what you see and hear." Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said on FOX, "The truth is not the truth." Trump: Give me 11,760 votes. Remember it is who counts the votes that matter. This is the Republican Party platform.

Democracy is on the ballot. What is sedition? "Sedition is conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state, or monarch." What is a coup? "A coup is a sudden, violent and illegal seizure of power from a government."

Trump conspired and led a deadly seditious coup Jan. 6, 2021, as all of America watched on national TV. Trump stole national secrets. Trump is not above the law. Vote for truth, justice, the American way - vote Democratic.

Roderic Whittaker, Shelton

Klaus' story

Editor, the Journal,

An old, reformed Nazi taught me about the perils of nationalism, which appears to be rising in the United States. I'll call him Klaus. He has now passed but his life and message should not be forgotten.

Klaus was my friend and workmate who taught me how, as a teenager, he fell for the message of the National Socialist German Worker's party, more popularly known as the Nazi movement. During our work in Munich, he showed me how Hitler's rise came because of the much worse economic depression that Germany was experiencing, and the war reparations Germans were simultaneously having to pay. This desperation led to Hitler's furious speeches of patriotism, unfair economic policies, the crooked kaiser, the swamp, Germany first (Deutschland uber alles) and the bankers who were repossessing farmland. Klaus said the German financial industry was dominated by Jewish bankers which Hitler encouraged resentment against and eventually contributed to the Holocaust.

These speeches started out in beer halls and were directed toward common farmer "folk." They said, "He talks like me," and Hitler made them feel superior, entitled and nationalistic. This seems to be diametrically opposed to the principles of Christianity, as some of our Christian Nationalists call themselves. As a practicing Lutheran Christian, I've been taught that our greatest commandments are to love God and love one another. We are also to forgive, care for the poor and welcome the stranger. Toward the war's end, Klaus was ordered to hold off the Russians in the hope that his village would be taken by the Americans. This didn't happen and his entire family were soon taken away by the Russians while he was out searching for food. They were never seen again so Klaus made his way to the U.S., where he lived most of his life instilling the principles of Christianity while educating against nationalism. Let's not forget Klaus' history lesson so that we don't repeat any of this terrible past.

Dave Daggett, Shelton


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