Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Senior center sports new activities coordinator

Teresa Sanders is no stranger to The Pavilion in Shelton.

During the 2000s, her three children attended high school prom in the building down the road from Gillis Auto. For four years, Sanders dropped customers off at the building when she was driving for the Patty Wagon. Both parents were members of the center operated by the Mason County Senior Activities Association until her stepmother died.

At the nonprofit's annual membership meeting two weeks ago, Sanders was introduced as the new activities coordinator. It was her first day on the job.

Sanders, a Shelton resident since 1997, worked at Shelton Outfitters before driving customers for the Patty Wagon. She drove seniors to their medical appointments, and transported people as far away as Seattle.

"People are amazing, and their stories," she said. "It's like being a bar tender - they tell their whole life story." She added, "I think that job prepared me for this job."

Those skills attracted the attention of Penny Wilson, manager of the senior center.

"I actively recruited her ... I wanted someone who has worked with seniors," Wilson said.

Sanders was interviewed for the position at 1 p.m. At 2:40 p.m., she received a text from Wilson asking when she could start. The answer: the next day, at the annual membership picnic.

One of the perks is the presence of Sander's 84-year-old father, Larry Walker, who likes to sing and play bridge.

The center buzzes with activity. It sports a new computer lab, with four computers with classes and expertise available. Computers are new to some seniors, who might need help establishing an email account.

"It's important for everyone to have access to computers," Wilson said.

The center recently changed servers to Hood Canal Communications to get a better internet connection, Wilson said.

"We went from very slow to very fast," she said.

The center added a slow set tai chi class and a Parkinson's support group. They are looking to schedule classes where seniors learn how to write memoirs of their lives.

"That's where the computer labs come in," Wilson said. "Some people are using typewriters."

Senior lunches are served at noon Mondays through Thursdays, and at 11:30 a.m. Fridays, and a donation of $3 is requested. They are the same lunches that go out with the Meals on Wheels drivers.

'For some of these people, it's the only hot meal they'll have all day," Wilson said. "They'll eat toast and cereal at home."

Patrons are invited to get creative carving a pumpkin at home and then entering it in the contest at the Halloween party. The center will also host a Thanksgiving meal.

The center is also honoring veterans by establishing a veterans wall. Members who were in the military are invited to bring a 5-by-7-inch photo of themselves for display. Sanders was in the Air Force from 1983-89.

Author Bio

Gordon Weeks, Reporter

Shelton-Mason County Journal & Belfair Herald


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