Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Letters to the Editor

A big thank you

Editor, the Journal,

The Grapeview School District would like to thank Green Diamond and Green Diamond's public affairs coordinator, Natalie Marshall, for their generosity in removing approximately 15 trees on the school district property line. The trees were causing a potential safety issue, which was ultimately alleviated by the thoughtful actions of Green Diamond. Thank you again, Green Diamond, for your wonderful community partnership.

Kurt H. Hilyard, Grapeview School District superintendent

Trickle-up economics

Editor, the Journal,

To my fellow citizens, do you recall a day when good, quality, living-wage (often union) jobs were abundant? Do you remember when it was possible for a family to have the option of only one parent working and who could go on a real vacation every two to three years? I do. Do you ever wonder what happened to those good old days? I have a very good idea of how things have gone so very wrong for middle-class America.

Four decades of "trickle-down" economics, which I term "trickle on" economics, have taken a toll. Starting with the administration of Ronald Reagan, the Republican Party decided all benefits should go to the top. Us working stiffs would share in the bounty as those businesses would surely spread the wealth around.

So, Republicans lowered the top marginal tax rate from 70% to 50% in 1981, and then to 28% in 1986, while implementing policies that would hit the middle and lower classes the hardest. The Republican Party implemented a tax on Social Security (a payroll tax), while aggressively busting unions, making higher education exceedingly more expensive, shutting down mental health facilities, the list goes on and on. Republicans continued to tell us if we just worked hard enough, we too could achieve the American Dream. 

All the while, productivity went way up and wages somehow did not. From 1948-1973, productivity was 96.7% and hourly worker compensation was 91.3% of CEO pay, from 1973-2014, productivity was 72.2% and hourly worker compensation was 9.2% of CEO pay.  Since 1978, CEO compensation has risen 1,007.5% while average worker compensation has risen 11.9%. Keep in mind, productivity was up. The workers did their part, they just didn't reap the benefits after all. If the minimum wage had kept up with productivity, experts say the minimum wage would be somewhere between $21 per hour to as much as $26 per hour. As it is, workers are fighting hard for $15 per hour, while the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. Your life isn't less financially secure because of that little brown guy living next door, it's because your tax dollars are subsidizing the likes of Amazon and Walmart. I wonder whether there would be fewer homeless people if workers got a bigger piece of the pie?

I pose a question to you all: Who can point to a piece of legislation proposed and passed by the Republican Party since 1980 whose principal beneficiary was working people? I'll wait.

Bottom line, if you want your life to get better, elect more Democrats to office and quit letting them tell you "boogity, boogity, boo" over the crisis du jour, none of which affects your bottom line in any way. Unlike the Republican Party, the Democratic Party is attempting to pass legislation that will help the majority of us, not mainly the top 10%. Unfortunately, Democrats don't have a large enough majority to get as much beneficial legislation passed as they would like. Here in Washington, we were able to get some good things done lately, despite the three Republicans in the Legislature from here in Mason County. Yes, I said three. Just because there was a D behind the esteemed Mr. Sheldon's name does not mean he actually was one. Kind of makes me think of Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, who continue to thwart legislation that would help working families. I say good riddance. Let's get some folks in office who really do want to help the average citizen and quit allowing a huge majority of the wealth to continue to "trickle up."

Sheri Staley, Shelton

On the up and up?

Editor, the Journal,

Mason County Commissioners Kevin Shutty and Sharon Trask clearly revealed who's frugal interest they represent by approving to move forward on extending the Belfair sewer project to land developer Dave Overton's property.

Kudos to Commissioner Randy Neatherlin for opposing giving Overton a generous gift at Mason County taxpayers' expense.

Overton stated he was not willing to pay for extending the Belfair sewer project to his property, but hopes all future sewer connection fees are treated equally, and is happy to pay only the connection fees while accepting Mason County's generosity to extend the sewer project to enhance his property's value at taxpayer expense. Enhancing the value of a land developer's property at taxpayer expense gives the appearance something is not on the up and up.

John Byerly, Belfair

We can do better

Editor, the Journal,

I have to completely agree with Wendy Petty's thoughtful and compassionate quote on the front page of last week's Journal. I, too, see the daily struggle that those "on the margins," the homeless, face in our Mason County communities. As the director of North Mason Resources in Belfair, we strive to help our most vulnerable every week with the essentials for survival: food, clothing, toiletries, towels, shower tokens for the state park showers, propane and gasoline. When they are ready we refer them to medical and mental health providers for the care they need, but we desperately need a full-time, year-round shelter for this population in the north county.

Like Kevin Hendrickson mentioned in the article last week, I had two older women, one 60 and one 72, in my office yesterday. One had spent the night in an abandoned truck and one in front of an all-night grocery on the sidewalk the night before. We can do better to care for them.

I know there are many caring, compassionate citizens in Mason County, but we as the entire community can and should band together with our elected leaders, pastors, first responders and community volunteers to provide effective emergency shelter care for the homeless here. With professional case managers to assist them, many of these people in need could be helped to permanently leave the street making our community safer and much more livable for all. Let's start a meaningful dialogue and figure this out, my friends. Please contact me at [email protected]. We can do better. Thank you.

Roy Harrington, Allyn/Belfair

Murder, execution

Editor, the Journal,

The Olympian newspaper reported on April 20 that a Thurston County jury convicted a man of two counts of first-degree murder, five counts of unlawful possession of a firearm, and other offenses. The killer's victims were a 34-year-old mother and her 4-year-old daughter. Both victims were shot in the head.  

Since Washington has no death penalty, the best we can hope for is that this murderer will be put away for life without parole. I have three ethical questions.  

■ Why does this man get three hot meals and a bed every day for life rather than the death penalty?

■ If this killer is allowed to live even after committing this bloody double murder, what crime did a 6-month-old fetus with a heartbeat have to do to deserve the death penalty?

■ Why is this murderer and thousands of illegal aliens given constitutional rights yet unborn citizens residing in mom's belly right here in Shelton given none and can be executed? Will any liberal answer these questions? Most will likely ignore this letter because they have no answers; that in itself is an answer. It shows the courage of their convictions. Maybe some liberals do agree but are afraid to speak up? Are these horrendous murders enough of a reason for conservatives and liberals to shed concern for their privacy and write a letter to the editor?

Many states are limiting abortion. Colorado is going the other way; Washington is expected to follow. The Colorado governor said these restrictive laws on abortion are governmental overreach. Wow. Saving the unborn is overreach, but killing the unborn is good policy? Mother's Day is coming; let's honor all murder victims, especially this mother, by telling the Legislature and governor your disgust for this murder and the death penalty. Share this letter with friends and neighbors who don't take The Journal or don't read the letters column. Speak up, Shelton. Make this little girl's brutal death change some hearts.

Ardean Anvik, Shelton

Who's being obtuse?

Editor, the Journal,

My letter titled "Family Values" on April 4 had a response on April 21 titled "Family Planning." The writer said that my list of "grievances" was "packed with dubious claims" which only a "credulous few could possibly believe." There is nothing dubious in my list. And the "credulous few" - are those the same people who still believe former President Donald Trump won?

My list of grievances are all bills that are passing in Republican-led states. All one has to do is actually read a newspaper that covers national news, or watch even KING, KOMO or KIRO, and you will see what Republicans are doing all across this country. And we heard the questions the Republicans were asking a Supreme Court nominee. These issues will not stay state to state but will go national if Republicans get control of the U.S. House and Senate.

Of course, the writer of "Family Planning" went right to abortion. It's the Republicans favorite wedge issue. He brought up Planned Parenthood. Does he actually know all of the services they provide? Does he know they also provide health services to men? Does he know that Planned Parenthood counsels women and men about birth control methods? Does he know that there are Republicans who want to outlaw all forms of birth control? Men might want to know that.

My question is why does anyone think they have the right to tell someone else that they cannot have an abortion? At the end of the day someone's decision in this matter does nothing to your life but has a great impact on the woman's life.

Read some of the books they want to ban and one can learn real-life situations, and learn empathy.

Donna Holliday, Shelton

It's despicable

Editor, the Journal,

What is your plan, President Biden? Do you have one?

If you had a plan when you came in, it's failing miserably. Try to help America rather than hurt America. Every policy you've signed is a disgrace. Open border, energy you've killed.

Crime is running rampant, do something about it. Stop listening to the radical left lunatics. They've lost their minds. You are making America a dangerous place.

Critical race theory and gender identity to our children, you've got to be kidding me. Have you ever heard of reading, writing and arithmetic?

This administration needs to wake up before it's too late, before we don't have a nation left. You guys are despicable.

Scott Stidd, Shelton


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