Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886
The North Mason School Board levy is passing by 34 votes as of the Nov. 22 count.
In Mason County, the levy is passing by 28 votes, 2,561 to 2,533. In Kitsap County, the levy is passing by six votes, 64 to 58.
The election results were scheduled to be certified Tuesday.
North Mason tried to pass levies in February and April of 2020 but was unsuccessful. The projected tax rate per $1,000 assessed property value is estimated to be $1.32 in 2022, meaning a home worth $300,000 would pay $396 in levy costs in the first year. The tax rate is projected to decrease over the time of the levy due to more houses and buildings being built with more taxpayers to support the levy.
The levy amount is $3,831,125 each year from 2022 to 2025. The projected tax rate is cheaper than the levy in 2020, which was $1.87 per $1,000 of assessed property value.
Levies pay for athletics, clubs, music, theater, smaller class sizes, school supplies, technology, transportation and staff, according to the North Mason School District website. The state does not fully fund all programs — just services that fall under basic education for schools.
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