Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Opinion / Letters To The Editor

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  • Letters to the Editor

    Mar 21, 2024

    Thank you, Gary Burleson Editor, the Journal, I was pleased to see that the District Court building was going to be named in honor of Gary Burleson. I knew Gary going back into the late '70s. During the '80s, we did battle many times and he and I developed a good working relationship. His was a thankless job. Even though it was in the days before social media, there were still many avenues for people to inappropriately react, jump to conclusions, or otherwise interject themselves into...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Mar 14, 2024

    A student's view on homelessness Editor, the Journal, I am Summer and I am a senior at Shelton High School. I am writing to you about the homeless issue in Mason County to further spread awareness, if this sees print. The issue we face as a community is considerable in size and many are uneducated about the topic. Currently, there are not enough shelters to accommodate the number of unhoused individuals, forcing those without housing to find camp elsewhere and trespass on private or public...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Feb 29, 2024

    How many more need to die on 101? Editor, the Journal, How many more of our citizens are going to die in head-on crashes on the U.S. Highway 101 bypass around Shelton? For years and years, I begged the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Legislature to simply install jersey barriers on the centerline. Impaired drivers easily cross the centerline with tragic results. The bypass has adequate width for centerline barriers, even crossing Goldsborough Creek. I have lost track of how many of our community have died because of...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Feb 22, 2024

    Editor's note: In a recent letter to the editor, Mr. Graham questioned a letter writer's use of TinyURL links. TinyURL is a link-shortening website that allows for more user-friendly entry into an internet browser than typing out a full web address - some of which can be hundreds of characters long. The shortened links in question came from the Journal staff during the editing process. This note was intended to be included in last week's edition to clarify the process but was inadvertently left...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Feb 15, 2024

    A message to a candidate Editor, the Journal, My response to Richard Beckman's announcement that he is running for the District 2 commissioner seat. First, Kevin Shutty has been present at many of our Mason County Fire District 12 meetings and Matlock community meetings. As one of the leaders of our community, I invite you to attend the next community meeting. I am not sure that Kevin did everything that he could do, but he did more than most of the elected officials. Thank you, Kevin, for...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Feb 8, 2024

    A vote for music Editor, the Journal, Music education changed my life. Hood Canal School has no space for a music program. The current bond proposal will provide that space. I went through eight years of basic education in a school without music education. I missed out on: ■ Learning that music is math-intervals like thirds and fifths to make harmony; scales and note values and rhythms. ■ The joy of making music; feeling the rhythms and vibrations in my body; moving with the music and joi...


    Feb 1, 2024

    Gun insanity: Revisited Editor, the Journal, This letter is in response to Dr. Busacca's Letter to the Editor on Jan. 11, "Gun Insanity." Dr. Busacca, you have been a long-standing, respected member of Mason County, but your letter, while spirited, veers away from historical precision and distorts key statistics. First, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, guns are not the leading cause of death for people under 20. I suspect you got that statistic from a flashy headline...


    Jan 25, 2024

    The power of ‘yes’ Editor, the Journal, ■ 60+1: an age for contemplating retirement. ■ 60+1: exceeding the speed limit on U.S. Highway 101 (a bit.) ■ 60+1: a supermajority — the percentage of “yes” votes needed to pass a bond measure for school construction. We are retired, live in Union, and have no children or grandkids who attend Hood Canal School, where passage of the current bond measure will do much to bolster “Orca Pride.” In fact, the improvements the bond addresses, if passed, will do much to enrich our entire community. Recently...


    Jan 18, 2024

    Vote 'yes' for Hood Canal schools Editor, the Journal, Things are changing at Hood Canal School District. The student population is increasing. As a result, there is need for more classrooms, teachers, and paraeducators. Administrative leadership is stabilizing with the hires of our new superintendent, Lance Gibbon, and principal, Steven Torres. Current staff deserve the kind of space and equipment that allows them to teach to the demands of the 21st century and our students deserve the...


    Jan 11, 2024

    Have we learned? Editor, the Journal, After nearly 75 years, Capitol Lake will be turned back into an estuary, a decision demonstrating we have learned that estuaries are a biologically rich environment playing an important role in the lives of many species. Or have we?  Near Capitol Lake, at the end of Hammersley Inlet, is the beautiful natural estuary of Oakland Bay.  Our state government - the Department of Natural Resources - is considering whether to lease publicly owned aquatic lands a...


    Jan 4, 2024

    Join a caucus Editor, the Journal, Dear fellow neighbors of Mason County, All across our state the precinct caucus will take place Saturday, Jan. 13. Doors will open at 9:30 a.m. for registration, with the caucus beginning at 10 a.m. and will conclude by approximately noon. What is a precinct caucus? At its core, the county caucus is about unity. It's about bringing together diverse voices under shared principles and goals. It's a significant gathering of the "grass-roots" right here in our...


    Dec 28, 2023

    Democratic answer Editor, the Journal, Mr. Anvik recently posed questions to Democrats regarding abortion. One caused me to seriously ponder. He asked that since half of aborted fetuses are female, if not aborted by law and grown to womanhood, how would they feel about abortion? Interesting question. If they knew they were unwanted, it would likely have an undesirable impact on the relationship with the birth mother and increased likelihood of other emotional issues throughout life. Child psychologists suspect children born to a women forced...


    Dec 21, 2023

    Concerned about expansion Editor, The Journal, I am writing to voice my concern about expanding the capacity of the Community Lifeline homeless shelter. Like those who testified at the hearing last Monday, I consider myself a compassionate and caring person who is deeply troubled by the invasion of the ever-growing drug culture throughout our community. It is tragic and I am heartbroken for the families and individuals whose lives have been destroyed by these drugs. I am deeply grateful for...


    Dec 14, 2023

    Unjustice system Editor, the Journal, There's an important development happening in our Superior Court in Mason County. Everyone needs to know how unjust our justice system has become. The appeal court had a resentencing for Asaria M., one of the co-defendants in the murder of my daughter in 2012. In September, our Superior Court had a resentencing for a murderer. The courtroom was full. The people who showed for the victim, Barbie G., were family and close friends. The defendant had every...


    Dec 7, 2023

    Xinh was an icon Editor, the Journal, To say that Xinh was an icon would be an understatement. I got to know her when I ran the shucking competition with Jef Conklin at OysterFest for 15 years or so. This was during the years when she won her championships. She was a world-class shucker. More importantly, she was a world-class person. Over the years, the shucking competition evolved. There were the locals, old-timers and newcomers, people coming from different parts of the world that made our area their new home. Restaurant people from Seattle...


    Nov 30, 2023

    American virtue Editor, the Journal, Sheriff Ryan Spurling recently spoke to The North Mason Rotary Club. He shared plans, statistics and Peelian principles of ethical policing. To be average, the Sheriff’s Office needs 80 officers, but it has only 48 (FBI UCR/LEOKA 2019). The jails are re-accredited ( The violent crime clearance rate is up 7.8 percent compared with the last 10 years ( Alternatives to jail are thriving for veterans, people addicted to drugs, and people with mental illness ( I a...


    Nov 16, 2023

    Value of diversity Editor, the Journal, For 10 years, I was on the board of trustees for a small Christian college that emphasized the importance of educating students who would not otherwise have access. I loved meeting these students and hearing their stories and watching them throughout their four years grow into thoughtful, articulate, courageous, well-educated adults. As the student body, staff, faculty, administration, and board of trustees became more diverse, the lives of all involved...


    Nov 9, 2023

    Speed dating Editor, the Journal, Thank you, Mason County League of Women Voters for organizing Speed Dating with the Candidates. Candidates moved from table to table with five minutes at each table. Being able to question the candidates directly was invaluable. I learned about the Port of Shelton and how it affects Shelton, I heard about recent issues with curriculum at the school district, and I was able to put a face to candidates. It was a great experience. I was sorry that a significant num...


    Nov 2, 2023

    Editor's note: As a matter of policy, the Journal does not publish original letters regarding candidates in the edition directly preceding an election because it doesn't allow time for a rebuttal or response. A matter of color Editor, the Journal, I read in the Journal where the anti-Taylor Shellfish people are losing the fight against the oyster bags. So, now they are arguing the color now makes a difference. They want the color to be something other than black. I have stayed out of the...


    Oct 26, 2023

    Judges and laws Editor, the Journal, Equity is a biblical principle – fear-mongering is not. "Woe to unjust judges and to those who issue unfair laws, says the Lord, so that there is no justice for the poor ..." – Isaiah 10 I consider it an honor to have witnessed Judge Cadine Ferguson-Brown preside in the courtroom, to have listened to her share with children what it means to be a good citizen as they begin the school year, and to have seen her engage with the community. I have attended sev...


    Oct 12, 2023

    A failed applicant Editor, the Journal, Dave Stevens asks the people of Mason County to hire him as a judge. Before hiring, potential employers normally establish the job qualifications and review the candidate's application. We know what we need in a judge: stability, community commitment, experience in impartial roles and knowledge of the law. Stevens did complete an application when he unsuccessfully tried to get appointed as a superior court judge in 2022. So, let's review that application...


    Oct 5, 2023

    Editor's note: The following letter is a rebuttal to a letter in the Sept. 14 edition of the Journal. Fair market value Editor, the Journal, Dear Mr. Ray, This is in response to a letter received from you dated Sept. 11, and I hope this helps you to understand the requirements of the Assessor's Office. I have also included some paperwork that covers these same requirements. From the time of statehood until the 1930s, property tax was the only major tax that supported most state and local...


    Sep 28, 2023

    Experience matters Editor, the Journal, I have seen the process of appointing a judge a few times, but most voters have no idea how a judge is chosen. In the case of Judge Cadine Ferguson-Brown, she was chosen two years ago to replace retiring Judge Amber Finlay. Judge Ferguson-Brown was chosen by the Mason County Bar Association, an organization made up of lawyers who practice law in Mason County. MCBA members reviewed applications from four lawyers, including Judge Ferguson-Brown’s opponent. The MCBA membership then recommended Court C...


    Sep 21, 2023

    School support Editor, the Journal, I am writing this letter of support for Keri Davidson to retain her position on the Shelton School District school board. I have had the opportunity to work with Keri on school matters in the past. I have found her to be extremely supportive, kind and passionate about our community and its students' success. Keri will look at issues from many different perspectives, seek advice from others and get stakeholder opinions before making a decision and coming to a...


    Sep 14, 2023

    How trust works Editor, the Journal, Trust. Trust is everywhere in our lives. Look at the trust we have of the stuff we put in our mouths. Toothpaste, mouthwash, licking the glue on the envelope, the food we eat, the drugs (legal and illegal) we take and so on. Even our money says, "In God We Trust." Trust is also like a rubber band; sometimes it stretches. Take a relationship where one person beats the hell out of the other partner and they say, "I am sorry and I won't do it again." Well, "agai...

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