Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886
Sorted by date Results 101 - 125 of 157
Maintain levy Editor, the Journal, As a former student of Shelton Schools and as a supporter of a vibrant community, I encourage you to continue your support of Shelton students by voting "yes" on the upcoming Valentine's Day election. Your vote not only maintains the current levy amount (set to expire in December 2023), but also ensures additional funds are received from the state of Washington - approximately $3 million annually. By voting against this replacement levy or by not voting at...
Southside: Thanks Editor, the Journal, On behalf of the students, staff, families and directors of Southside School District I would like to thank voters for approving the Southside Educational Programs and Operations replacement levy. Southside is a great school with a 120-year history of family values and traditions. We appreciate all the community support for our independent public school district. Paul Wieneke, Superintendent, Southside School District Let’s thank Biden Editor, the Journal, Well, the election is over. We Democrats did n...
Thank you, Paddy Editor, the Journal, Now that midterm elections are over, and the results for Mason County are finalized, I would like to thank Mason County Auditor Paddy McGuire for all he has done to make local elections fair, and for keeping the process transparent and understandable. I have been a Mason County resident for over 40 years, and I cannot remember any previous auditor who has done as much to help keep citizens so informed about the intricacies of the voting process. From numerous articles in the Journal to mailed pamphlets...
Midterm offerings Editor, the Journal, Well, as I write this, a few midterm elections still drag on. The Republicans may still win the House, but the Democrats managed to gain a tie in the Senate. Our silver-tongued vice president will have to once again, for a couple of years anyway, cast the tie-breaking vote there. These elections show us to be a closely divided, if not tribal, people. Even so, the Dems are doing cartwheels and victory laps as if they won the whole enchilada. This is typical behavior of people in a party frequently...
Blatant usurpation Editor, the Journal, The Shelton-Mason County Journal front-page headlines for Nov. 3 explained Sen. Maria Cantwell's and Congressman 6th District Rep. Derek Kilmer's meeting with city, county, and economic leaders for a roundtable discussion on local economic development opportunities. I was appalled at the blatant usurpation of taxpayer funds for efforts best left to the private sector - until I recognized the unintended humor of the bill's title: RECOMPETE (Rebuilding...
Editor’s note: The following two letters are from current political candidates rebutting previously published letters. The Journal did not allow new endorsement or candidate letters in this week’s paper. Mandated function Editor, the Journal, I am writing in response to a letter published in last week’s Shelton-Mason County Journal from Ginger Brooks. The letter seeks to defend the incumbent’s record in office by using the statements made by the incumbent to support Ms. Brooks’ comments. In contrast, the issues I’ve addressed throughout...
Experienced professionals Editor, the Journal, I urge Mason County citizens to join me in voting for Julie Anderson for secretary of state and Paddy McGuire for county auditor. During this turbulent time in our nation’s history, it is imperative that we elect competent, experienced, knowledgeable people to oversee our elections system. I have worked with both of these individuals over the years. I’m impressed with their dedication to free and fair elections with the utmost security and their integrity. As a former elected official who ser...
Editor's note: Julianne Gale is a candidate for state senator in the 35th District. This letter is being published as a rebuttal to a previous letter. Letters by candidates for public office in Mason County will generally not be published except in response to previous letters. Let's talk Editor, the Journal, I'm writing in response to Mr. Dick's letter to the editor published on Oct. 13. Mr. Dick, thanks for caring so much about our community. I'm glad we share a commitment to truth and our com...
Tested, certified Editor, the Journal, In response to a Sept. 29 letter to the editor ("Rebuttal to Ericson's column"), the Office of the Secretary of State (OSOS) would like to clarify how Washington's election systems are certified. Namely, the ClearVote 2.1 system used in Mason County has been tested and certified by an independent authority, as well as OSOS, for use in Washington elections. We have seen increasing misinformation surrounding the certification and technical aspects of voting...
Editor’s note: Paddy McGuire is a candidate for Mason County auditor. This letter is being published as a rebuttal to a previous letter. Letters by candidates for public office in Mason County will generally not be published except in response to previous letters. Duenkel traffics in doubt Editor, the Journal, In his letter in last week’s Journal, my opponent says that he wants to “educate voters on every aspect of our election system.” I’ve been an election professional for two decades and I prefer educators that have at least a vague und...
Editor's Note: Steve Duenkel is a candidate for Mason County auditor. This letter is being published as a rebuttal to a previous letter. Letters by candidates for public office in Mason County will generally not be published except in response to previous letters. Rebuttal to Ericson's column Editor, the Journal, I would like to respond to several points in Journal columnist Kirk Ericson's column in the Sept. 22 edition of the Journal. Washington state law mandates use of U.S. Elections...
Hail Port Townsend Editor, the Journal, Port Townsend has exceeded all communities I've visited in my peripatetic life in being extraordinarily vibrant. Once thought to be in competition with Seattle for seagoing freight, she's rather become enchanting through achieving accomplishments: Perpetual motion, anti-gravity, and agelessness. Perpetual motion: There's a skateboard park near the harbor. I've witnessed adolescents and one old guy, possibly in this 30s, lean and tough as rawhide, ramp...
Inflation's roots Editor, the Journal, Bill Pfender wrote in last week's Journal that inflation is caused by capitalism. Huh? How does he explain Venezuela? All socialist economies experience inflation, Mr. Pfender. See "The Problem of Inflation in Socialist Countries," Kazimierz Laski and Michael Vale, Eastern European Economics, Vol. 17, No. 4 (Summer 1979), pp. 3-84 (82 pages), published by Taylor & Francis. See also, The New York Times article, "A New Soviet Candor: Inflation Under...
Terrorism Editor, the Journal, Just yesterday I learned the president of the United States believes I am a terrorist. This is because I support finishing the border wall to keep illegal immigration, drugs and real terrorists from coming across the border; former President Donald Trump started this wall; President Joe Biden halted it. I support our police forces and believe we need to restore law and order in this country and again hold those who commit crimes accountable for their actions. Only...
Facts, please Editor, the Journal, Re: Partisan Facts, Letter to Editor, Aug. 25, 2022. “Facts, pesky little critters that get in the way of a good lie.” Thus saith Mr. Ardean Anvik. Now, let’s take look at the “facts” as he sees them. 1. “63,700 fentanyl deaths each year are caused by illegal drugs crossing our border?” Does “border” here mean only the southern border with Mexico or both borders and all ports of entry? Ambiguous statement with no corroborating source. 2. “Social services are overrun with homeless illegals.” Again, s...
Election stories Editor, the Journal, I have noticed what appears to be biased political reporting in the Journal in every issue published this month. This possible partiality seems to be focused on one particular local race: that for the position of state senator representing the 35th District. In each issue of the Journal this month, Republican candidate Drew MacEwan is consistently mentioned in the same sentence as lame duck Tim Sheldon. Mr. Sheldon insists on identifying as a Democrat,...
Agenda-driven news Editor, the Journal, I read with disappointment the recent coverage of two Shelton School District meetings in which an important policy change was reduced to an attention-grabbing, click-bait type, and maybe agenda-driven reporting.The articles in question were those covering the district's discussion and then vote to modify its Policy 1400 covering board meetings, meeting notifications and public comment at those meetings. First, the front-page headlines for both meetings...
Correction A story in the Aug. 11 issue incorrectly stated that Sandy Kaiser, a candidate to represent District 35 Position 2 in the state House of Representatives, lives in Olympia. She lives in north Thurston County, near the Mason/Thurston border. The Journal regrets the error. Jesus and votes Editor, the Journal, Why do political signs show up everywhere on public property, but not on private property? Are people afraid to admit their preferences or do they not know what their preferences are until they receive their ballots? If I call (tho...
Great story Editor, the Journal, We should all give a big shoutout to Gordon Weeks for writing, and the Journal for publishing, the heartwarming story of Mr. James Aylesworth in the July 29 issue. This man's story deserved the front-page treatment it received. As a very young boy, I remember running to the TV every Sunday afternoon to watch "Victory at Sea." It was a 26-episode series about the U.S. Navy in the Pacific during World War II. One internet passage tells us it was "famous for its...
A Kool-Aid drinker Editor, The Journal, I take strong exception to Kirk Ericson's opinion editorial dated July 7. Your judgment that many people have embraced "a former president's fantasies" and that this is somehow reducing or destroying our faith in our election systems is far off the mark. Election integrity must be uppermost in all our minds, election after election. We have never had a fraud-free election in 250 years and human beings are always looking for "an edge" for their candidates i...
Get to the point Editor, the Journal, Mass murders used to be locking people in churches, meeting halls and other buildings and setting them on fire. It still happens, but not usually in this country and not seen in the popular press. Seditionists used to use pitch forks, scythes, butcher knives, and other farm and household implements. They are only considered as seditionists or rebels due to the government of the time being the victors. If it were not for the “seditionists” of the Revolutionary War, the United States of America (US) wou...
Carlson for the people Editor, the Journal, A vote for Mark Carlson is a vote for the people. Mark Carlson cares about the people of Mason County. He will bring back town meetings and citizen input regarding our county. He wants to make sure that we the people have the opportunity to be involved in local government so our voices are being heard. He is an America-first, U.S. Marine veteran, retired, successful business owner who has lived in this community for 35 years and has raised a family here. Mark wants to make sure our county is being...
Root of all evil Editor, the Journal, I Timothy 6:10: The love of money is the root of all evil. That scripture is only one of the few I find both credible and informative in the Bible. Even 2,000-plus years ago, humans were influenced and manipulated by the love of money and warned others about its power over them. But there is something more important than money to love, and that is a moral society willing to forego the cash and make fundamental moral changes for the betterment of society.We have a newspaper here in Mason County that caved...
Homeless ordinance Editor, the Journal, A new homeless camping permit ordinance for the city of Shelton was discussed at the Shelton City Council meeting on May 24, 2022. There are plenty of rules and restrictions. Who will be responsible for enforcement? City Manager Jeff Niten stated that we do not have the jail space or shelter space to enforce the codes we have now, then he stated this ordinance is about giving our code enforcement officers and police officers the tools necessary to address...
Correction A story on page A-1 of the May 26 edition of the Shelton-Mason County Journal incorrectly stated 35th Legislative District Pos. 2 candidate Sandy Kaiser's hometown. Kaiser is a resident of Olympia, however her campaign address is a post office box in Shelton. The Journal regrets the error. Labels don't explain Editor, the Journal, Labels, badges and buttons, the subtle saboteurs. Question: Can a singular label describe who you are or how you think? Will the badge you wear or the...